Sunday, December 27, 2020


Spenser enjoys a rest at Sandra and Randy's house.
He was very good until he had a few barks near the end of the night.

Sunday I try to do some serious reading.
It is a miserable cold and rainy day.
Sandra and Randy brought over some turkey for sandwiches
and some G.F. goodies.  Very kind and thoughtful.

Spenser wages his tail as a stranger approaches us.  The man stops to pat him and talk to me.  He said had made his day so much better and it made mine better too.

I know that I have been seriously searching for  a life of meaning, the real reason we celebrate the birth of this wee babe,  Scripture reminds us that there is a choice for us to experience a new birth.  A new awareness that the light of God's love shines in the poorest places upon humble hearts.

Joy is hidden in our sorrow and new hope is born.  Yes, we do not know what the future will bring.  We know that it will bring challenges that require courage and conviction that for me comes out of my faith.

Talked to my brother Brian.  He spent Christmas alone because  he did not want either  of his boys to travel on the winter roads with the snow and ice and wind.  He has accepted the loneliness of his life now.  He brings in the wood to keep the fireplace going, he shops and cooks and every day he goes for a long walk.  He is concerned when I tell him about Rick and says a prayer for him.  He still believes in prayer.  Things happen and Jesus told us that in this world we will have trouble but in Him we become over comers.

How wonderful it is when a baby smiles up at you.  Jesus was God's smile that touches our hearts with a heavenly hug that reminds us we are not alone.  His presence comes to the lowly and humble of heart and mind and soul.

Jesus sets us free to be ourselves and to find our way home. 
Amazing Grace the lost have found their way.! !

We are thankful to be in our warm home with good food and happy memories.



Sandra said...

We did not do much all day, piddled around and did a bit more cleaning up, had a walk when the rain slowed down for a bit. Started watching the Mandalorian, it is a Star Wars thing.

Riley the dog had a very bad day but seems to finally improving this morning.

Back to work today, but just half a day as I have to take the kittens in at noon.


Shandel said...

I hope our Christmas card arrived for Uncle Brian. I sent so many out this year, and some have not received.