Monday, December 28, 2020


It was funny to see the sun shine for a few minutes.
It had been a foggy day'

today was the day Spenser had his hair cut.  He really needs it especially around his eyes.
We are thankful he is happy to go into the lady's house.
He looks so funny when he comes out, so little with big eyes,

We all have funny habits that seem impossible to break.
If I am woken up in the night I find it very hard to get back to sleep.

We went to the store just before supper time and then although I buy stuff to cook I am too tired to cook it.  I had cereal and dad had an egg on toast.

My miracle at Christmas was the joy of being with family and then see others share memories with us.
What a surprise to see all these wonderful family and friends.

Both Christmas Eve and Christmas day the house look so beautiful and magical.  

It was funny today when I went for my morning walk and met this cranky looking lady that I think hates dogs because they pee on her lawn.  I smiled and said hello and she did not look at me but as I walk by she said: "Happy New Year".  I smiled and said thanks.

We all seem to have our good days and sometimes our bad days.

Talked to Rick and he seems more cheerful as he was having a good day.
I believe things will start improving daily.


1 comment:

Ken Bennett said...

We have booked a holiday at the Gold coast from 2nd Jan till 9th Jan. Hopefully my big kids can come down from Brisbane for my birthday on the 5th. I may come home early to look after the dogs. Jesse may go up later to look after the dogs. Rocky has been acting very strange for the last two weeks and can stand to be left outside.