Friday, December 25, 2020


It has been a difficult year
and Christmas day will be difficult for many of us,
Talked to Mary and to Theresa
and to Rick.
He was having a bad day,
One day better then comes another difficult one.
A sad place to have to spend Christmas.

My friend Lily who is a strong believer is praying for Rick.

We will enjoy our time at Sandra and Randy's with Carol and Panteli.




Shandel said...

I hope you guys had at the best Christmas you could have and enjoyed your day at Sandy and Randy's. Did our Christmas card arrive in time? Love you guys.

Sandra said...

It was good to have you all over and get to spend some time appreciating what we still have. It was great to watch the wonderful video Theresa put to gather and all of the people who took time to send something in.

We stayed up and watched a movie and then had a nice sleep in till almost 7 this morning.
