Tuesday, December 29, 2020


One by one the happy faces and bright lights will disappear.
It is more fun getting things out and it is a bit sad as we put them away.
So many of our ornaments have memories of who gave to us or the year we bought them.
This year I will put them out on the table and if anyone has a special one they want they can take it.
Every year I put out less and less.

The snow has disappeared for now and the dull days lie ahead.  

Rick is being moved to Laurel Place and I hope he gets some help to enable him to do more.  Lots of challenges ahead.  

Carol took some books up today so that is good if he is able to read.

We should make an appointment with dad's doctor.

Today I did not have a lot of energy. I did find a report dad was looking for as it had seemed to disappear. Took a lot of time and sorting through papers.

 Hoping for a good sleep tonight for us all/



Sandra said...

Yes, please call dads doctor as the sooner you talk to him the sooner you can get new medication maybe.

I hope that we get to see Rick sooner rather than later.

Working at home today and half tommorow.

Did you still want to tackle your bedroom closet?


Shandel said...

That would be wonderful for Rick's mind to be able to read and I am sure he is an avid reader. I hope you guys get to go visit him soon. I always loved putting decorations away. It was a great time to freshen up the house and clean and declutter. I hope you guys all get a good night's rest.

Ken Bennett said...

Happy New Years.....