Tuesday, December 15, 2020


They brighten up the day.
It is cold and very windy.

I enjoyed the gift of grape jelly.
I think it is better than jam!
Will we get another one if we take the jar back.

Today was a very long day.  
We started to do a puzzle
and some reading but you can
only do so much of this.

I talked to the lady Helen at Delta Assist and I have a number to call when we need some help.

The family has been doing so much for us, driving and picking up and visiting etc.

We appreciate all you do each in your own way.

Yes we all have our gifts that are used to help others.

Christmas will not be the same but we will enjoy being with our small group.



Sandra said...

Was Delta Assist who Carol was going through?

Another very dark gloomy day yesterday.

Randy and I went for our walk right when he got home for work. We saw a lady not too far in front of us and I thought she was walking a little slow and said "lets see if we can catch up to her" We are often the slowest walkers as my knee gets sore quickly.
1/4 of the way around the crescent we were within 10 feet of her, but then she looked over her shoulder and picked up her pace. She increased her lead and we never did pass her. She was actually doing 2 loops as I had driven past her on my way home from the post office.

That was my excitement of the day.


beth bennett said...

Sandra that is a good story.

We are off to the hand clinic this morning.

Spenser will miss his early morning walk.

Love mom

Ken Bennett said...

Hot with thunderstorms today. Second to last day of school. Yeah.
Good news Rick is out of his bed, into a wheelchair, but its a start.

beth bennett said...

No the call was not to the Kinsmen who Carol had talked to.
I phoned and they referred me to Delta Assist.

It was good to see Rick in a wheel chair and out of hus bed.

He tells us not to worry so I am trying.

Love mom

Shandel said...

I am glad to hear Uncle Rick can get around maybe a little easier. And what great news to hear Grandpa is enjoying walks. It has got very cold here over night and then it warms right back up to above zero. Weird weather. I have noticed its very gloomy here lately too. Today seems more open sky. I hope!