Wednesday, June 15, 2016


It is amazing how close we have all grown by reading about
our everyday lives.

I hope and pray Melina will find the cause of her
stomach problems which can ve so miserable.
Having so much sickness can be very stressful.

It is hard to see the end to our problems sometime but yet there are solutions waiting to be found.  Trying to be calm and hopeful is so hard.

I know what it is like to be tired of being sick and tired.  My prayer has to be that I will be able to keep striving for better health and be more and more aware of the knowledge that I am loved.

I know I need to be aware of the healing presence that abides with in me and with me.

I can not know why the ways of God are beyond my understanding but I trust that even when life seems one detour after another the way  I will find the strength to keep going.

Help me to appreciate all that I have and will continue to have, all that is good and caring.

Watch over me with angel wings to protect me and my loved ones.

Even a moment when I awake in the morning or fall asleep at night may I feel Your closeness Lord.


nancy-Lou said...

Closeness...yes, Beth you do us all a great favour by your writing daily in your blog, bringing us up to date on family happenings and spiritual writings that are interesting...along with the quotes.

Carl was not as good today...his legs are weak and he could 't walk. They think the epidural in his spine is causing that and removed it and are giving him pain meds through his drip. They are going to try again tonight to get him walking. He walked yesterday. He isn't eating at all but drinking water. His incision is 9 inches long...they cut through all his stomach muscles to the large artery. He has needles in his neck and arm monitoring his arterial pressure. He didn't complain..what a trouper! Tired tonight....that drive is tiring 250 kms. I think we may have to sell our house and move to Winnipeg, to an apartment.

YAY the Bluejays won another game! Well off to bed ...won't read long, too tired,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Yes, it is wonderful to have so many ways to keep in touch with people who are far away.

And just incase you did not get the memo, the Fathers Day party on Sunday will be at my house.

Not sure of the time.


beth bennett said...

Nancy lots of prayers for you both.
Hard decisions ahead.
You are both very courageous!
Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you Beth,

Love, Nancy