Wednesday, June 1, 2016


One by one these lovely roses are bursting out in bloom.  This year has been an amazing time of growth.  These smell lovely as well as look beautiful.

One by one the three of us came home yesterday.  I was the first one to crawl in exhausted by happy after a very full day.  Then dad arrived home from shopping at Home Depot with the car full of rolls of grass.  He looked even more tired than I did.  He had washed off the back patio which is now full of half ripe cherries.  A baby racoon is having  a great time eating the top ones under the watchful eye of Haiti.  I think she would stay out there all night.

I had had a rest and dad was still resting when Kim came home looking tired and hungry and ready for a short nap before soccer.  Kim is working at an Art Center in Richmond teaching children arts and crafts I believe.

I cannot keep up on this family as they come and go.  Oliver arrives on Sat. and now I have it straight the party is Sunday.  Then Sandra and Randy will be away again.

One by one I have built my faith on many happy experiences at church with all my dearest friends.
They have helped me look at my life more honestly so that I can say my faith is not a fact but a hope upon which my life is built.

"Christians live by faith,  not by sight." 

Every ounce of faith has the potential to be a great faith when I am trusting and believing in the goodness of the love of God as expressed by Jesus.


Steady-as-rain said...

Well, June already.

A baby raccoon hanging about - not a good omen from my point of view!

What are the rolls of grass for?



Sandra said...

Surgery day for Lucy, and as usual the hardest part is not letting her eat in the morning. Both dogs are very confused, since I won't feed Peanut until Lucy is in the car.

We have been told that raccoons will eat our grapes if we ever get some growing.


nancy-Lou said...

My goodness that is a spectacular soft and pretty. It looks like one of those English roses...David something or other. I used to have a wonderful rose garden full of about 25 hybrid tea roses...but not anymore. It was such a joy to walk out there in the early morning and see what had opened.

Do you have more roses, Beth? They grow so well in Vancouver. My Great Aunt had a wonderful rose garden that I admired when we stayed there every summer. That was in New West. I named my rose garden after her. It is difficult to winter hybrid tea roses in MB. I always lost about 25% and I winterized them well. They never grow large like they do there. I will buy one for the deck, where the deer can't get at them. Prickles don't deter them.

So sorry to hear poor Lucy is off to the vets again for surgery. Gosh that would be so hard on Sandra too...we always worry about them. Good luck to both and hugs to both of your too. My son,Bob took his Bengal cat in to the vets for surgery too...she has a cyst that is open and infected.

You have such a strong and abiding faith, radiates through every word you write. Thank-you for all you news or spiritual things.

We are stuck with Vancouver weather...rain and high humidity for days and days. It is so cool that we have to turn on the fireplace. Hopefully the sun will come out and shine soon. We can't even cut the grass and it is getting high...much higher than knee high to a grasshopper.

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy