Monday, June 6, 2016


Clowning around,

A great birthday cake,

Susan and Carol
Happy cooks and helpers
Theresa brightens up the party!
Leah and myself and Sandra telling funny stories.

Just chilling!
Our two lovely daughters! !


nancy-Lou said...

Excellent photos, Beth! There looks to be quite a few people there....loved the photos of the kids...well adult kids! The Birthday kids. Nice weather for a BBQ. I saw Ben in the background of one and he is so tall now. Wow has he ever grown. I bet he has a "hollow leg too". We used to joke about this when our sons were in their teens.

Do Carol and Panteli live nearby, in Delta? By the way, your white blouse looks very nice!

We had a quiet day today. I think I picked up a bug at the doctor's office on Friday. A stomach upset. Hope Carl doesn't pick it up!

Traffic on the highway coming home from the groomers was awful....most of it was going south, back to Winnipeg... going home after the weekend at the lake. We live at the end of the highway, and there are beaches all along the way. I try and not travel on the weekends.

Have a restful evening,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Good job by Morgan of getting some good pictures.

Up early this morning to get a headstart on the laundry so we can pack tonight.


beth bennett said...

Yes I appreciate Morgan helping that is for sure.

Have a great visit with family and then a wonderful holiday in Boston.

Love mom