Thursday, June 16, 2016


So many questions as see the tragedy in the news and in the lives we know.

  Even  the crows attack the little baby ducks a soon as they are born.  I am not that fond of crows anymore because they may be smart but they can be very mean.

Life would be nice if all was peaceful and serene but it is not.  No matter our age or our problems we have to eat right and exercise.

Haiti is here again today so that encourages me to go for a walk.

Dad has an upset stomach but I do not know why.  I am suggesting gluten-fee for a few days.
At least there is lots of it here.  He did go for a short bike ride as it was cool but sunny.  I do not think the weather helps.

I think he had more energy on the sugar fee diet and he is very good staying on that.  Digestion problems are the curse of old age!
But now that I think about it, it can be any age.
Why is always the question and how can we make it better!

I cannot imagine having as little sleep as Kenny and I wish he could get more.

My thought: 
Every life has a purpose and being helpful is a big one.
There will always be questions "why" for us to question.

"One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing."
-  Henry MILLER


nancy-Lou said...

oh dear...those darned crows! Picking on the little duckies. They also do that here, robbing smaller bird's nests. Nature can be cruel and can be precious too.

Gosh yes, it must be so hard for Ken, working long hours and having a young family at home. Sleep would be fleeting! Do you have photos of the children?

My friend, Angel is being charged by a doe every time they go in their yard. A doe had her fawn very nearby and is protecting it. People saw the doe washing the fawn right after she was born. We have a lot of does here and soon we will see the little spotted fawns following their moms.

Carl is still in intensive care. He is very nauseous and they had to put in a nasogastric tube, poor fellow. They were able to get him up today, which I was very glad to hear.

Off to see Carl again tomorrow and I am having an ultrasound of my liver and pancreas too. It is at the same hospital, thank goodness! Have to fast in the morning.

Have a good is beautiful here.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Right now my purpose in life is to get one more short visit in with Mary and the kids before we drive to Toronto for the night. I think dad is more likely to be bothered by too much fat rather than gluten
Just my opinion of course. See you Sunday

Sandra said...

Right now my purpose in life is to get one more short visit in with Mary and the kids before we drive to Toronto for the night. I think dad is more likely to be bothered by too much fat rather than gluten
Just my opinion of course. See you Sunday