Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I have my early morning coffee keeping an eye on our new bird-feeder to see if any birds came. A present from Carol and Panteli and Kim.

Early in the spring we had had fun watching the little bird flying in and out of our bird house on the back wall.

We have a little humming bird that feeds off the bleeding hearts but there seems to be less birds than there once were.

Dad is now fixing up the bird house that he and Ben made.  Yesterday he went for a long bike ride so he is gradually feeling better.  I seemed to have picked up his bug so I am resting and staying close to the bathroom.

Ken our neighbor asked me over when I walked outside to see a massive tree being removed by big machinery.  Several of the neighbors were there chatting so it was a friendly time.  Ken is not able to get around much any more I think it is a spine problem.

Ken next door has given Kim  a special T-shirt that is given only to special people.  Everyone misses seeing Kim and Haiti walk by.  Ken thinks Haiti is wonderful and it would be nice if Haiti would be accepting of him.

Yesterday dad and I went to the grocery store and there was an elderly couple ahead of us and we were both thinking "do we look that
?"  Deep inside we still feel young but moving is slower.

"Do more than belong, participate
Do more than care, help
Do more than be fair, be kind
Do more than forgive, forget
Do more than dream, work.
William Arthur Ward

"Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation"
Henry Ward Beecher.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

No comments? I thought I commented? Is that why you are holding out on publishing the next one? I am reading a very depressing book, "They not mean to but they do" About old parents and their children "helping"

After this I am going to do my darndest to find a happy book about aging, if there is such a thing!

Had my MRI, did terrible, panicked and had them pull me out.
