Wednesday, June 22, 2016


I was wondering how people are still able to find hope when their situations seem hopeless.
Maybe I will learn something from these books.
The funny thing was the librarian came and offered me a funny book, maybe she thought I could use it.

A  young wife needs a heart operation and surrounded by family and friends feels hopeful.
"When you are dealing with realities bigger than you are, it is not unreasonable to reach for something bigger than yourself. 
This is where hope resides.
Her husband takes
her out on a date where they dream about their future
"Focusing on hope allowed their burdens to be lighter."

"I would much rather be guilty of looking at life through the window of possibility  than standing at the crowded doorway of hopelessness."
-Danney Gokey

It was pour rain when I went for a walk but I was hoping it would clear up.  Dad is still building the best birdhouse ever!

Off to Carol and Panteli's for supper.

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

Hope seems to be ingrained in us...even through the most difficult times, we don't give up!

I am pretty sure I have told you the story of the Boys from Sudan before. But it is worthy of telling again. Our church hosted a group of them for a service and a picnic and swimming afterward.
It was a wonderful day. They suffered terribly, saw their Mothers and siblings killed before their eyes, walked for years in the desert and finally made it to a refugee camp in Nigeria, where after years there, they immigrated to Canada.
I asked one, David, how on earth he survived and he took my hands in his and said, " I had HOPE that I would wake up each morning". The tears was so meaningful to me and made me realize how mundane our daily problems are. They showed me their hymn book and sang me one of their hymns in their was so special and one of the most moving moments of my life, Loved them all.

It is going to be a hot and humid day...which makes our gardens grow 'like bad weeds'. I have to keep on top of watering. I don't have manys flowers, like I used to, which is a good thing because it used to take me an hour every evening to water them. The mosquitoes are ferocious and the horse and deer flies are the worst in many years. I have to cover eveything and wear a netting aroun my head to go out in the garden. Poor kids, who are coming down to the cottages for the summer, they will get eaten alive!

I wish you and Larry a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy