Thursday, June 9, 2016


This is a picture of the Seniors Home.

Yes dad needed to be rescued from a tangled fall he had trying to get the lawn mower down and around to the back.  Haiti and I heard this faint voice and I could not believe seeing him so down on his face underneath the mower.  With a little help he was able to get up.  He hurt one shoulder and both knees and one elbow,  he will feel even more pain to-morrow.

He is like Morgan a bandaid makes his cuts feel better on his knees.  Fortunately it could have been much worse than it was and I was there to rescue him!

I threw some ice in the car for him to put on his wrist while visiting at the home.  His friend Stan did not show up and dad was okay with this  as he did not feel up to talking much.  I met him on my way out and he was very unhappy and wanting to move.  He thinks one woman is following him and she is a bit of a lost soul so she may well be.

I am so happy that Theresa has rescued me from feeling very drained and  thinking I have no more ideas for my blog.

The words of the first few pages got me thinking again.

Truly we are all on our own path through life
and from our stories we have gained insight
and a deepening appreciation for all of life.

It is important for us to remember how it felt like to be a child or a teen-ager or a maturing adult.

One of the most obvious facts about grownups to children is that they have forgotten what is like to be a child.
-      Randall Jarrell

We cannot build a future for our youth,
but we can build our youth for the future,
-      Franklin D. Roosevelt

Your children need your presence more than your presents.
-      Jesse Jackson

If you want children to keep their feet on the ground,
put some responsibility on their shoulders.
-      Abigail Van Buren.

                   The greatest education of all is listening to stories from our past.

I am having great fun already.  Thanks Theresa


Sandra said...

We are just off to say good bye to Randy dad. We had to rescue him yesterday as he fell getting into our car. Hope dad is not too sore today.

Sandra said...

We are just off to say good bye to Randy dad. We had to rescue him yesterday as he fell getting into our car. Hope dad is not too sore today.

nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear, falls for two glad that nothing was broken, but they will be very sore today and need to rest. Why don't you hire someone to cut your grass? We do, but I am thinking if we let 2/3 of it just grow naturally we could manage our yard ourselves....we have such a large yard. 2 acres. Most of it is bush...but there is a large lawn the runs along the drive way to the road .

Awe, sorry to hear you were feeling uninspired Beth. You do amazingly well to think of subject matter and titles for your blog and I think we all appreciate all the time and thought you put into it! Taking photos and choosing what to put in also takes are very thoughtful to do that for all of us.

AWe..that Theresa is such a wonderful girl! Just look at how beautiful she is in the photo you put up with yourself...two beautiful ladies. She is such a good Mom to Ben and Morgan too...I am so glad she had a good visit with you and cheered you up.

It is a quiet, restful day after two whirlwind days.

Yesterday afternoon the director of the historical society and her assistant came and chose 34 paintings to put in the retrospective show of my work over the last 35 years.

I found paintings I hadn't seen in years....tucked away in my reject pile and the funny thing is one of them was a painting she bought to auction off to raise money for the society. Now I have to frame quite a few or mat and shrink wrap them. They are going to sell some of my prints and cards too. Part of the sales money I will donate to the Historical Society...the museum burned down and couple of years ago and they are fundraising.

It depicted the history of the French settlement in the area and important to me.

I love my French friends and love the history they brought to our area.

Did you know the French explorer Laveryndre and the other Cour des Bois used the Winnipeg River and Lake Winnipeg as their " highway"? They camped often here, at Little Elk Island (Victoria Beach ) ..we are at the outlet of the Winnipeg River to the lake. Quite a history.

I would like Victoria Beach to be called Little Elk Island, as it was named by the explorers, rather than Victoria Beach which was named after one the early cottagers daughters. Not Queen Victoria as some think.

I have to give a speech, but that doesn't bother me. I have some short stories to tell about some paintings. One is how the White Raven became black...a native story that I use for my children's classes.. I will take some prints of their interpretations of the story.

Very exciting with newspaper articles and fancy posters they made up.

We are off to the pharmacy to pick up some of Carl's drugs. We need to stock up for when he comes home from the hospital. Everything is ready, including a cell phone for him to use in the hospital, once he feels better and can use it. We leave at 4:45 am Monday. An early start!

It is going to be 33C here today, with the humidex. Hot already!

Have a super day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Dad is having a less strenuous dat today but did go shopping and bought Kim a super dopper frying pan. It is her birthday to day, and I believe it is moving day. Haiti is very concerned as she sees things being put in boxes.

Kim starts work in Richmond to-morrow.

Nancy you are amazing all the things you have done and all the knowledge about the history too. It is funny how you can find an old treasure when you look back.

It seems a common thing for museums and also hotels to burn down. So sad.

Have a good day to-morrow!

Sorry about Randy s dad. It is upsetting.

love mom