Sunday, June 26, 2016


Nature sure gives us the best gifts.
There is a beautiful colourful butterfly on my butterfly tree.  Very hard to capture but breathtaking.

Also humming bird comes in the morning and is fascinating to watch.

My neighbor from Tiwan came and brought over some fresh blueberries she and her girls have picked.  So thoughtful.

Another neighbor left a note she wants to help me in the garden.  She left her phone number and I will phone her next week.  She has a very neat yard and talks to me when I was walking with Haiti.

I had an awful time trying to figure out what to wear to church in the morning.  It feels warmer but I just kept trying things on and throwing them on the bed.

Church was a gift just feeling loved and at home.
Praying and singing together a gift and two small children delightful.

My friend Cathy invited me to a funny show about cats some from U. Tube. down town Van.  It was to support the S.P.C.A.   Hilarious!

Friends are a gift. 

A visit from my daughter is also a gift.


Sandra said...

My butterfly bush is finally flowering, it did not last year. I have humming birds and butterflies at mine too. The humming birds can be kind of scairy as they fly so fast by my head I think they might get stuck in my hair.

On my drive home from the dentist in White Rock last week I noticed a sign saying "CHEAP BEDDING PLANTS! FINAL SALE!" So since I did not come over to your house I drove down there and filled up my car, so much so that the only place there was for groceries was a little space on the floor in the front.

Maybe dinner would be better on Wednesday the 6th. If the kids get up super early like they did last time we may be on the road before dad has wiped the sleep from his eyes.


nancy-Lou said...

Now, isn't that nice to know your neighbours are so caring? You are fortunate because people I know from Winnipeg don't even know their neighbours.

So glad to hear you are enjoying your birds too....yes the hummingbird almost 'parts my hair' when I am near the feeder. Have you seen the hummingbird dance, where the male flies an a half circle back and forth showing off for the female? It is really something to see.

I see where Sandra mentioned that you are going to have to be up early to go somewhere with her and the family? Are you planning a picnic in the mountains? Sounds like you are going to have fun! Her little Grandchildren are so cute aren't they?

It is getting down to the wire for the opening of my art show and there is so much to be done! Amy and Diane from the Heritage Society are helping me and going to hang the show.
Now I have to plan my speech...hmmmmI think I will relate the native story of how the Raven stole the sun moon and stars....and illustrate how the creative process works with examples of my student's paintings from the story. It is called inspiration...from the story. I don't want to make it all about me, with a long drawn out and boring speech about me! Been to too many of those openings. I will have one or two of my students there with their paintings of the story.

Just saw my doctor and got a clean bill of health! Good news on the colonoscopy ....just polyps no malignancy! He is always teasing me....such a good doc! His office is on the reserve and the office staff and most of the patients are First Nations low key and jolly there. EVeryone visits and there are lots of laughs...very different from the docs offices in Winnipeg!

Well off to work on prints and framing...have a great day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy that is amazing having your own art show!
From what I've seen your art is full of life!
I wish we could be there.
Have fun. Tell some of your jokes!
Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you Beth. My goodness that is a pretty purple called it a butterfly bush? I guess they don't survive our cold winters, that is why I haven't seen them here.

Love, Nancy