Saturday, June 11, 2016


Yes dad and I have always been great sports fans.  We have gotten up early and stayed up late to cheer on our four athletic children..  There was track, swimming, hockey and baseball to name a few.

We got a last minute phone call from Theresa Sat. morning to inform us that Ben was playing a game in Alder grove.  She is an extremely busy mom with work and studying as well as looking after the family.

Mornings around here are slow because it takes a while to get our acts together.  This morning it was like some one had fast forward the two of us getting ready.  You grab a cup of coffee and eat toast while putting your shoes on.  Dad grabbed an extra jacket for me which I sure needed. 

Morgan sat in the car for some of the game as it was windy and cold.  She is a good sport especially having to be up before 7 on a Saturday.  She joins us when we arrive,
Ben plays a great game but he scares me when he rushes out to get the ball. 
They are lining up for a penalty kick.

He is well like by his coaches and team mates.  This game was a semi-final and there was no score at any end.  A lot rests on the goalies and it is a job I would never want.  If that soccer ball came hurtling at me I think I would just freeze.

These are precious moments that go by too fast.

Thankfully dad and I can keep up our walking and bike riding.  Good preventive medicine.

I find each day too short for all the
thoughts I want to think
for all the walks I want to take
all the books I want to read
and all the friends I want to see.
-John Burroughs.
all the walks I want to take


nancy-Lou said...

BRRRR it does look damp and cold there. Good thing Larry grabbed that extra jacket for you, Beth. Even Morgan is wrapped up. It is so nice of you both to support Ben in his games...I am sure it would mean a lot to him knowing you are there, encouraging him on.
Precious moments for sure! Theresa does such a good job doesn't she?

Is she studying to become a teacher?

I find mornings are slower here too, now that Carl has been retired for three years. He finally has learned to relax and not get up at 6am every morning. My arthritis is making me slower in the morning. It has been worse than usual lately. Just osteoarthritis, nothing serious like rheumatoid. Getting older I guess!

Have a lovely are probably watching sports as we are too!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

What wonderfully dedicated grandparents going to all these soccer games getting up early and braving all kinds of inclement weather . l was never so dedicated but Geof put in his time on cold blustery days. l am returning to surrey today to attend a wedding shower and Ali Micheal's daughter is coming to spend the afternoon with Geof .She is a very caring girl,very much a thoughtful people person. We are so lucky to have a family that pulls together . We will not go to church this morning but will watch the service or some of it live stream. Much love and blessings to you both and to your ever growing family. Jane.