Saturday, June 4, 2016


Early Sat. morning a motor bike comes roaring to a stop at out house.  Haiti recognized the sound right away and raced to the door.

He is looking very healthy and happy.  He has started a new course in Victoria learning the Morse Code.

He has several goals in mind and will be able to work on other Coast Guard boats etc.

He is thinking it is time to sell his motor bike after having a few close calls.  He loves speeding and driving dangerously but that is better done on a race track.

It is going to be a warm day today so a great day for the party at Theresa and Mikie's. 
A celebration for both Kim and Oliver born in June.  Hard to believe both in their 30's now.

Friday night will be a gathering of young friends.

Ben and Morgan are happy coming home from soccer to sleep over at Carol and Panteli's.

A busy morning for dad and I as we joined Sandra and Kim for a shopping trip to Value Village.

Dad did excellent filling his buggy up by racing up and down the aisles.  He waited for us out in the car as the girls took time to try on some clothes.

Great fun!

Haiti has been patiently waiting for a walk.

Kim is getting things ready to take to the party after climbing our cherry tree for a dish full of cherries.

I am sure Ben and Morgan will be enthusiastic helpers at Carol's house. 

Theresa  was stuck in traffic on her way back for Alder grove after Ben's game. 

The new grass has survived the night without being disturbed by the raccoons. 

I am not surprised  that dad has a sore back today  He worked hard lifting a lot of heavy dirt
etc.  Sometimes he forgets he is not a young 70 tear old any more!

"Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly favoured with trust and thankfulness.
Regardless of the day's problems" 
-   Jesus Calling.


nancy-Lou said...

Have a great time tomorrow at the party for Oliver and Kim. I guess you are driving to Chilliwack for the fun. How long does it take to drive there?

Nice photos of your handsome Grandson! Good for him, going to school and learning the morse code for his job!It must be exciting to be in the coast guard.

Isn't that funny, how Larry can whiz around VV and get a cart full of stuff and the ladies have to try things on and take their time. I like to take my time and look too...sometimes try on clothes. Men and Women are so different aren't they? Some days you find great things and other days it is nothing. How did you make out Beth?

I haven't been there for awhile, but will probably get a chance when I am in the city when Carl is in the hospital for 10 days. Tomorrow I am taking Max and Bella to the groomers tomorrow. They have quite a poodle coat and it is long and hot for them. Also it hides woodticks. They have been terrible and the dogs bring them in the house and then we find them on us...sometimes stuck in. I have to check the dogs twice daily. Even check the neighbours dog.

Have a great time at the party tomorrow. Please wish Kim and Oliver a very Happy Birthday for me.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Oliver looks good . Very busy day at work . Rain and strong winds in Sydney delayed the whole fleet today. I have a chest cold and coughed all shift. I now have five days off. The kids are singing an Italian song tomorrow at assembly . I will get home at 1am and may miss it if Melina doesnt wake me up.

beth bennett said...

A chest cold is miserable at any time of the year. I find when the weather changes hot and cold germs seem to attack.

I am sure the children will do great singing.

Then I would advise get some rest Ken.

Very hot here.

The party is at Carol and Panteli's

The party Sat night was for the under 40's!

Yes I got a new white blouse I think I will wear to the party.

love mom (Beth)