Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Yes I am running behind.

The minutes and the hours and the days just keep slipping by.

Looking at my watch does not help.

Dad and I both are getting short term memory loss which makes live interesting.  I just confess to everything because I cannot remember what I did or did not do.

Dad is busy cleaning up his garage and also fixing up the bird house he and
Ben made.  I wish Morgan was here to help she would be a great helper.
The singles have blown off the roof and the house needs painting and a new picket fence.

He has been out shopping at the dollar store and at the second hand store.  We drove into to see grannies grave and put some flowers on it.  We have to drill a hole so a vase can sit in there.  The graves had a lot of flowers so the place looked quite lovely.  Spent some time looking at grave stones, some break your heart.

We also stopped in at the library and I was amazed at the selection of books.  A big display on native issues and I picked up one book but it was too sad, the image of Cree folklore and tradition is woven into a tale of a painful journey.

The librarian suggest a funny book so I am glad I took her advice.

Dad also picked up a second hand radio, yes he was out shopping by himself.  Kim stopped by to-night I should have shown her.  Very retro.  It plays C.D.s and records and even gets the C.B.C.

"A good character is the best tombstone.
Those who were loved by you and helped by you will remember you when for-get-me nots have withered."
-  Charles H. Spurgeon


Anonymous said...

Panama day at school.jasmine went as tigger. Mathew went as picachu. Last early shift today. Thank god get to sleep in tomorrow. Melina has some calcification on her she has calcification on her Gallbladder. Not sure what that means .

beth bennett said...

Melina that does not sound good and must be painful.

Do you have a specialist?

Will they remove it?

I had gallstones and my gallbladder removed.

Dad has gallstones but they are not causing any pain.

Did the children get their pictures taken. Very cute I am sure.

Have a good sleep in Ken.

Keep us informed. Melina I will be praying for you.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, you are like the rabbit in Alice and Wonderland! I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. I actually have the music for this and use it for teaching. Well I think you and Larry do very well to keep your house going and look after everything. It is a lot of work.

What a lovely gift, a bird feeder. The birds give us such pleasure, although this time of year the are quite reclusive because they have babies in the nest. Fall is a very busy time and I am sure you will have many hungry customers.

Different birds like different seed, so we have a finch feeder where we feed them Niger seeds and a shelled peanut feeder for the bluejays and chickadees and a regular bird feeder for the mixed seeds. Oh yes, black oil sunflower seeds for the jays, chickadees and grosbeaks.
We feed peanuts in the shell too, in the winter time.
I hope you receive as much pleasure from them as we do!

Carl is doing well. He is healing well and walking well. He has some confusion at times, which he had before the surgery. I have to be patient and repeat things often! I think it is a little worse now, perhaps from the long time being under the anesthetic, 5 1/2 hours. Plus the drugs they gave him afterwards. There were a lot. He is healing well and had his first shower since the surgery....I helped him, because it is hard for him to stand and the shower has a seat.

Yes, prayers for Melina from me too....I do hope she feels better soon.

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Radio looks good.


