Monday, June 27, 2016


The bird house needs a home because dad cut down the old tree it was sitting in.

The cat show was all about movement and the tricks cats can play on people as well as dogs.  They are so quick with their little paws.  They had some foster kittens there and I am sure they would find a good home among all those cat lovers.

The beauty of the birds and butterflies is also in their movements.  Dad and I are going to a bird feeder store to find out what is the right food to buy.  There is a huge bag at the Safeway too big for our little houses.  We are going to move the glass feeder to a better place.  There was no action that I could see.  We do not have the birds like we used to who would drink out of our pond.  I think I saw one Robbin this year and the little birds that nested in our old bird house.  I think the family comes every year.

Well, Ben is certain a fellow on the move.  The team stayed at a hotel together which was good.  They may make him an offer.  He says the coaching is better than here. He phones us from the Dairy Queen now he is back home again.  He stayed up to midnight waiting to turn 13!

I rested up and only did a few things around the house.  Doing a little at a time is enjoyable and not overwhelming like when all the family was around. 

Prayer is also movement.  Sometimes it is more of a discipline than a joy unless one comes in humility aware of your needs and the needs of others.  It is a spiritual discipline that moves one from selfishness to awe and wonder.  It is an act of love when I surrender to the amazing love and mercy and grace of God.

Every breath is a gift from the Creator moving by the power of the Holy Spirit!


Sandra said...

That is a very nice bird house, is dad going into business, I will buy one!

I am starting to get more birds in my yard now that some of the bushes are getting bigger. Missy is sticking her nose out there more now too. I think it is because she misses Spooky, they use to hang out in the front yard.

We have just had a major hatching of flying ants, so now our pool is full of them. It is one thing after another, pine needles, fluff, worms.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, quite a nice bird house.

Every breath is a gift, absolutely right.



nancy-Lou said...

Now that is one spiffy looking bird house! Well done Larry and the best part it is re-cycled!
I am sure you will have some tenants next year! Might be a little late for this year, but maybe the wrens or robins will have a second brood.

Hearing about all the stuff that gets in the pool makes me glad we don't have one. I heard they take a lot of care....but they must be a lot of fun too.

I was in the city again today...had to run in and get some last minute things for the art show. The ladies are coming tomorrow to pick up the sunroom has 24 paintings in it...all framed, titled, priced and photographed.

Crazy drivers are on the highway these days...lots of them aren't used to driving at 100kms an hour. They think they are going 50kms in the city and tail gate you or pass and cut you off...GRRRRRR. I feel like getting a sign and holding it up....but then again, I could get shot, with all the crazies these days.

One of the beaches before ours, is Grand Beach and it is a "day" beach for a lot of younger folks, some who drink at the beach, get in their vehicles and drive home. You really have to watch out....there has been some serious accidents along that stretch...with crosses in the ditch.

The words every breathe is precious really hits home with us after Carl's life saving surgery....each day is a gift. Lovely words, Beth.

Love Nancy