Saturday, April 30, 2022


My big computer is not working.

Great news Carol's tumors are shrinking.
Prayer helped me get through my worries.

I believe in the healing power of prayer but I  know 🤷‍♂️God's ways are mysterious.

Life will always have some uncertainty.

Today is a spiritual adventure.  We need guidance and prayer to give us courage to face trouble.

Sandra and Randy leave for Edmonton.

Ben is home from his soccer adventures.


Sandra said...

I am glad I could get it going again. Computers can be so frustrating. You know it is going to be something simple but heck if you can figure it out.

You will be glad to hear I had a much better sleep last night and did not wake up till 6:00.


Ken Bennett said...

Instead of buying a cheap laptop next time buy an Apple Macbook Air !! I have the rental property now, slowly I'm moving in.

Anonymous said...

You do very well Beth! Quite a few people my age don’t use a computer at all I agree with Ken, apple computers, I Pads and phones are much easier to use. But making the transition from Android May be harder at first. You wouid need help.
We are doing great! Both back teaching now that Covid is retreating
How are you and Larry doing? And Spenser? How old is he? A senior doggie?
We are adopting a senior rescue dog who was a relinquish by a breeder. She didn’t 7 years making puppies in a kennel. Poor dear. Never knew grass or stairs or love. Just like Pedro, our dog.
He was a stud dog fir 4 years.
Bella, our new dog is from a rescue called Ruff Start. They are in Minneapolis. So I have to drive down to get her. My passport expired and I am applying for a new one.I hope to go in a couple of weeks.
The passport office are way behind.
So we will have two senior dogs. Pedro will be 7 next week.
I enjoyed reading about your going to Ben’s game. What a great career he has ahead of him.
Winter is still here, it has been a very tough winter and spring. Record breaking cold, many storms. No spring. Snow still on our yard. But we are thinking summer May just burst forth with no spring. Hopefully it will warm up soon. Ground is frozen. No gardening.
Well we are off to the auto shop to get the studded winter tires off. Both vehicles.
Have a great day.
Love Nancy