Saturday, April 16, 2022


                                              Feeling a little brighter today.

A short trip to the dollar store to pick up a few odds and ends.

My usual walk through the park.  Dad picked us up and we dropped off some chocolate bunnies to say thank you to Hilary.  Dad cut the lawn.  He likes using the new lawn mover .  I racked  a few leaves but there is a lot more to be done.

We are planning to go to church but it depends how dad's stomach is feeling.  It was not too good this morning.

After the second walk at the pond with Spenser we came home and made a light supper.  Now it is time for hockey before Heartbeat.  Rick seems to know what is coming next.

Hope Ken is able to find a place to live.  Lots of changes for their family.

I am reading about how suffering can enrich our lives as we learn to adapt to our limitations.  We are all born with different personalities so we all re-act differently.

We all try to avoid pain and suffering but when we cannot do so we  but the main thing is how do we re-act.  We know that suffering can push a person into brokenness and feelings of unworthiness.  At times what we need most is a friend to listen and to care.  We do not need advice but we need support.

We all have spiritual and emotional needs as well as treatment.  We have to move beyond what we once could do and trust that God draws closer to us when we suffer. I have experienced this myself.

Jesus is alive and Easter deepens our faith and our lives become brighter1

1 comment:

Steady-as-rain said...

A trip to the dollar-store always cheers me up. And chocolate bunnies always bring a smile as well.

I had a very quiet day.

