Saturday, October 1, 2011


I love taking a small picture and making it larger than life!

Life is full of beauty waiting to be discovered and appreciated.  No matter how small I feel my life is I know that all life is to be appreciated and celebrated.

I find writing helps me make sense of my life and knowing that in simplicity there is complexity.

Dad and I went to the movie "Moneyball" which for him brought back memories of his ball playing years.  Who knows what could have happened after his traumatic motor-bike accident.  This forced him to take a year out of his life to recover and get back in the game.

I remember all the ball games we took part in when children in our family played ball and dad was the coach.  When grandchildren also played it made it even more exciting. 

The movie stresses that there is value to be found in undiscovered talent and good players can be found without investing huge amounts of money.  A true story about Billie Beane and his controversial ideas that come to life as he becomes friends and partners with a innovator in statistical analysis.  A very intense movie as we see stress acted out in explosive anger and yet the greatest emotional moments are the times he spends with his daughter.

We all want to be winners and play a perfect game but if we are not winners in the eyes of our family we have lost it all.

It can be immotionally intense when you walk into another persons life. 

"Emotional energy spent in discovering who I am and what goes on within me can be more important than what is happening outside."  This I found written down on a scrape of paper so I do not know where or when I had noted it.  I am reminded that inspiration lies all around us and like our minister Daniel said last Sunday each day we have been given has the potential to surprise us and awaken us to the spiritual reality in all life.  This is my wording but I liked the idea.

Phyllis Theroux says for her "writing is a deeply spiritual act that can have a profound effect on the practitioner."  I agree!


Anonymous said...

So you enjoyed the movie?

nancy-Lou said...

Did you take a spray can of paint and paint this tree is golds and rusts? Looks like God's handiwork to me. Have a blessed Sunday and may you find more energy.