Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The drive home from the movie in Langley was pure magic as we drove towards a beautiful sky.  There was a golden glowing strip of sky that came shining through the clouds.  I have never seen anything quite like it.  As we got near home the moon was big and bright, a harvest moon , and added to our delight.

We enjoyed seeing the movie "Help" which brought tears to my eyes when you see how badly the Negros were treated and yet they brought the magic of love into the lives of the white people, especially the lives of the children.  Every child was precious and loved as if they were their own. 

It was also a story about discovering your gifts and bringing magic into the lives of others.

It is about freeing ourselves from the cruelty and abuse that takes away from the true worth of self.

It is about exposing their secrets as they share their stories and words paint the pictures that frame their lives and expose the fear they all have lived with.

In the end Aibee discovers that a new life awaits her when she is fired from her job.  She had begun writing her prayers down (I did too) and then unable to put her experiences into words she started to write about her life.  Writing will be her new life.

We all grow up with a set of beliefs about ourselves and about others. the magic is seeing the world with new eyes and an awareness that there is so much more to learn.  Sometimes it is being in touch with your own feelings and the feelings of others. 

I loved the music that flowed through this movie and I think of God as the Singer who awakens in us a new song to sing. I am a tiny note that is being apart of a great symphony.

 A holy note in a divine symphony.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you enjoyed the movie. I am thinking I will have to read the book eventually. Working on the stack beside the couch allready. Sandra

Anonymous said...

sounds like a good movie,our weather is on the improve with temps in the mid 20'S.

Shandel said...

loved this blog today Beth!
:) i look forward to seeing the show too
thank you for sharing your thoughts they are beautiful