Saturday, October 22, 2011


The combination of a poor nights sleep where I kept waking up and thinking about Mary and Michael John and the fact that is was pouring rain out made a dismal morning outlook for a walk.  So instead I settle in with a warm blanket to read.

I always am reading more than one book at once.  I have serious books, often on spiritual matters, a book of fiction or other items of interest at the moment.  These two books were on display at the library where I often find books that interest me.  The book on journal reminded me of the simple things that can take on meaning when recorded thoughtfully.  The spiritual is woven in as the authentic open-minded guide to life that is generous and beautiful.

The book called "Books" by Larry McMurtry who wrote many books and who loves to collect rare books; reminds me of our son Rick.  Curiosity and a love for reading make it impossible for me to walk by a book store.  My early memories are of going to the library with my mom.  Larry McMurtry writes as a reader and writer giving us a lively look at the eccentrics who collect, sell or simply lust after rare books.

The world needs to listen to the stories and experiences of a variety of authors, to learn to walk in the shoes of others to understand why they believe what they think is truth.  It also helps to really experience your own daily experiences to find what I am here for and to act on the guidance that is available to us all. 

Imagination also makes possible a fairy tale world that always begins with "once upon a time"!

Looking for goodness in others and finding treasures of spiritual wisdom in all that I read is important to me.  As Gabrielle Bernstein says in "Spirit Junkie" it is choosing love instead of fear, calming the thoughts that go spinning around in all our heads.  I have not read her book but read about her in the Sun newspaper this morning.  I will add it to the many I have on order from the library.

I think a book-case full of books is a thing of beauty that cannot be replaced.


nancy-Lou said...

Interesting books Beth...I would check them out too...I do love books and they have a habit of finding their way to my house. I am reading " The help" currently and Secret Daughter. Usually it is just one at a time though. I always belonged to the Winnipeg Public Library and as a child remember going to the " book mobile" with my Mom. I kept up my membership for many years after we moved to Victoria Beach until the fee became too high. Now an annual $150 for non residents. We do have a library in our area now and they can bring in anything you request. I have a kindle e reader and quite like it. Especially the fact I can order and receive it almost immediately and also adjust the font to a larger and bolder style ( for my cataract ).
Is their no fee for your library membership? We have quite a lot in common! Nancy

Shandel said...

i to love books and getting a library card was one of the most fantastic things! :D
I need to get back there when i remember to return books they are due and some over due! which means i will have a late fee to pay :( need to stock up. i started a new book recently that might take a bit longer to read but it is an interesting story.....
I would love to have a whole wall dedicated to books! they are very nice to look at

Anonymous said...

A very good idea, Mom, to stay home and keep warm when you are tired. The outside world will still be there tomorrow!

I remember many years ago we use to go to the library in Ladner. I think like some many things it might have been named "Centennial".

I also seem to remember that we were constantly late returning books.

I remember I borrowed a book from the school library called, "Smoky the Cowhorse" (that is, a horse used by cowboys). Couldn't find it for months but Dad found it one day - it had been put into the little bookshelf spine in. The school librarian was happy to get the book back, but not as happy as I was to not be getting the evil looks!



beth bennett said...

Wow what memories!

love mom