Friday, October 7, 2011


Some days I think this would be a good bumper sticker.  The world in general seems to be in an awful mess.  Over-spending and under caring, are symptons of sickness that are all around us.  I realize that as you listen to the news you hear much that is negative. 

There have been some great inventions that have made life "cool" with the new tecknology that Steve Jobs has made possible with his vision and immagination and determination.  Now we have new gadgets to play with and help us to find our way in our personal world that is baffling.

I could have easily talked myself out of going visiting yesterday.  I had things that needed to be done at home and I am finding cranky Jim becoming not only baffling but annoying.  I realize that his life is in a miserable state and there is no hope of change. 

I was so happy when I next went to visit Freda.  Sitting on her bed all dressed up ready to go for lunch only to find out her nephew had forgotten that he had promised to take her.  She was so happy to see me and we went and had coffee together in the dining room.  She has adjusted to many difficult things in her life so that this really was very minor.

We all react to life differently because there will always be questions and unpredictable not only in the people we meet but in the God who seems at times to baffle us.  There are no answers to define Christianity that can help me define what a good Christian should do or believe.  Life is a gift and to be lived with grace and compassion.  I live between reality and possibility, what could and should be, so that my prayer is often a simple one "help".  My strengths are also my weaknesses and my beliefs and actions contradict each other.  How can I understand others when I am a baffle to myself at times?

Thomas Merton wrote that the life of every  Christian is to be lived in the power of the resurrection.  Jesus said that dying to self is the beginning of spiritual growth and there will always be the gift of new life and the sign of God's mercy.  At this point my simple prayer is "thank you".

There is a time to view life with a critical awareness that have shattered some of my illusions and are forcing me to make changes in myself.  God has given us the gift of life but also the gift of a heart.  That is where love creates and sustains us all.

I am thankful for an inner knowing that no matter what my prayer it reaches a higher power that hears and understands.   Vision is an impotyant spiritual gift! !

Baffled why the Canucks did not win, lol


nancy-Lou said...

Interesting as usual Beth...hmmmm does one ever really know oneself?
We are an inigma. It seems to be a lot easier to know others...OR think we know others. I admire your caring nature, especially for those in need.
Love the Thomas Merton quote...have noted it and will send it along to my friend Gina. Sorry to hear that Freda`s nephew forgot about the lunch date...happens way to often to the elderly in nursing homes. My friend is a nurse at the one closest to our community, and some of the residents don`t receive any family visitors. SAD.

Anonymous said...

I think you should give Cranky Jim a miss mom. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change " comes to mind .