Monday, October 31, 2011


I like the happy ghosts and pumpkins!

I wake up in the dark morning and hear a siren going roaring by over on Scott Road.  It will still be dark when Gundy and I go for our walk; but neither of us want to change the time. 

Tonight the little children will come by all happy, running to and fore while parents wait in groups.  There has already been fireworks which I remember as a child, the burning school house and a few small rockets.  My dad did everything by the book when he set them off for us.

I am even dreaming of ghosts and of course this is when the dead where suppose to come back to haunt the earth.  That is a scary thought!  The church calls it all souls day or all saints day. 

I believe in the past, even before my time, people where very much aware of death and dying.  Even in Bible times this was also true.  For most of us the fact of life and death is purely hypothetical and it is something I do not often think about. 

Visiting people facing the end of life I sometimes try to imagine how I would face what they are facing.  I have found that those whose faith in God remains strong have a peace that does pass understanding.
Some had called faith a delusion but I know it is a very real comfort for believers.  I see the order in the world around me in nature and in creation and in the energy that flows through us all.

Mathematical physicists have investigate the consequences if there were to be a change in the gravitational force of attraction.  If there were to be a slight variation this universe would seize to sustain any form of life.  I join others that believe there is an intelligence force that created and is creating.  The "theroy" of evolution has brought some light on how changes have progressed.  Science is limited in the exploration of the beginning of our world and somethings must also be taken on faith.

Today dad and I will add to our Halloween treats to make up for the ones we have eaten.

We will also be making the pie.  We started yesterday but ran out of time and energy.


Anonymous said...

We're hoping that we can do a quick Skype with Theresa after Ben and Morgan come home from their adventures so that we can see their outfits and hear all about their candy haul! According to Kim, there won't be any kids coming down our road cause it's too far away from the main condo complexes.


beth bennett said...

Good commenting!
love beth

Anonymous said...

I am tooooo tired to comment today, have been awake since 3. Will be a very long day at work then off to see the new baby at the hospital tonight.

Anonymous said...

How miserable when you cannot sleep makes one tired all day.

Hope tonight will be better.

love m0m

Anonymous said...

We had a few trick and treaters, the weather was horriable , Matthew and jassy loved to see the kids.They are still to small to walk around, maybe next year.