Thursday, October 13, 2011


Time for a new picture!

 in the beginning time was created as day was followed by night and there were seasons to plant and to harvest.

our fence is really looking sad with boards missing so the time is coming when it needs to be fixed.
the next big wind could just blow it down completely
time to cut the lawn for the last time I hope

time to get the crock pot out and try something new

time to get organized

time to start Bible study at the church called Jet-Lag.

time to start visiting regularly and bake those chocolate chip cookies

time to forgive and forget because there is a tine to be right or wrong

time to return the books to the library

time to drive to Chilliwack to see Bwn and Morgan play scoccer.
time for romance!

Today dad and I drive in to see his eye doctor so we will be right in the middle of traffic jam time.
 time to be thankful we do not have to do this every day! !
but at this moment it is time to pray and go for a short walk.

Now it is time to wake up dad!


Anonymous said...

And time to celebrate 9 years ago today you were in Fort Saskatewan wondering about why Randy and I seemed extra excited about Thanksgiving Dinner!

beth bennett said...

Happy Anniversary! That was an exciting day for us too!
love mom

Anonymous said...

time to get snow tires, rumour has its going to be a hard winter.

nancy-Lou said...

Time to be thankful for friends such a you Beth; who have a gift for words and write a blog that is very honest, truthful and inspiring. Nancy