Sunday, October 9, 2011


It is always great fun to take pictures of Morgan.  She was busy drawing on our table runner adding to the pictures and words that had alredy been put on about thankfulness.

This is a tiny part of the joyous art decorations.

We were a happy group as we arrived one by one to the home of Sandra and Randy.  Poor Randy had a miserable cold and couldn;t even smell the delicious turkey cooking.  Sandra was joined in the kitchen by Ben and Theresa.  Ben pealed the potatoes which were soon on the stove boiling away along with the carrots.  Randy as always lent a hand when it came to mashing the potatoes and cutting the turkey.

That was after he had taken a few pictures of his own.

I managed to sneak up on Ben and catch him after he had fineshed his jobs.

Some one has picked up my camera
This picture also captues Uncle Kenny on Skype at home with his family.

Later we skyped with Carol and Panteli but the connection did not work very well.

Don Begg enjoys a joke with Leah and her dad.

Well done everyone especially those in the kitchen,  who cooked a great feast and those who helped clean up,  Craig and Randy and Mikie!

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