Thursday, October 20, 2011


Driving into the fog one feels that you are heading into nothing so it is so good to see the light.  This is not a very good picture and actually the day I spent at the conference where I was asked to take pictures the pictures turned out badly.  I should have been thinking and planning where to sit and what to take pictures of; so in the end nothing turned out very good.

Yesterday was a day of doing "nothing" and allowing myself to just enjoy it!

I tried to catch up on reading but kept falling asleep and waking up with a start.  Everything I did I seemed to be in a preoccupied state and had to remind myself just to be in the present moment.  There are certain benefits that come from doing nothing that come the next day when you start to feel more invigorated and ready in mind and spirit to take on the day.

Dad had a good bike ride and even had a coffee on his route which he hasn't been doing lately.  He stopped to watch the ducks at Boundary Park enjoying themselves.  They seemed to be either busy swimming or snoozing on the grass.  If they feel threatened they quickly head for the water and they have their wings that can carry them away too.  This is their protection.

Imagination is a great protection that allows us to open the door to the mystical world that calms and renews.  I need to allow myself time to see things more clearly and decide where I am going and what I could be doing.  I wake up this morning to a light rain and to darkness but knowing the light will come.

If i thought about it a lot I would see old age as moving into a fog and yet my aches and pains keep me aware that I am very much alive.

So off to the Nursing Home today with my chocolate cookies.  I am thankful for frozen dough.  I am thankful that I can bring a little joy to others.


Anonymous said...

I am going to try and fight the urge to do nothing this weekend after being sick and wasting the last one. Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

we woke to light rain as well,which is nice as we have had little rain of late.

beth bennett said...

Yes, we always need the rain.

love mom