Friday, October 7, 2016


Dad and I enjoy a visit with Carol between counseling appointments.  I think maybe she was practicing on us!  Good news the turkey has arrived at their home and everyone is invited and will come when they can.

I now have to glance at the headlines of the paper to know what day it is.  I often have a week of Saturdays.

I sometimes get out of the wrong side of bed and stay that way all day.

It was wild and windy Thursday night but I slept through the racket but was wide awaken when the power went off and there was no sound.

I do not have many claims to fame but I can cook a 30 minute brownie in 20 minutes.  Being gluten free helps.

I pick up the colorful leaves and put them in books and then forget them.  I also pick up pretty rocks for around our ponds.  Some times I think some have gone missing maybe people have picked them up from my place.

Several years ago I had life all figured out, the meaning of life and my purpose here but now I have forgotten both.

I once drove over the border to the states not once but twice getting on the wrong road and finding myself back in Canada.  I had a friend with me.

Do not ask me for directions I will tell you the wrong way every time; except in Hawaii.

I have let myself be talked into tasks I was not qualified for, like being president of church council.
Fortunate the church is still standing and carrying on.

I sang in the choir until I was asked to leave and I was tempted to say I have sung in much better and bigger choir.  I bit my tongue.  Actually it was suggested I turn the pages for the organist instead of singing and that could have been an even bigger disaster.  The whole book would go flying on the stand in my enthusiasm to do it right.

I think of things to write all day and I write on bits of paper even old envelopes and all over our day timer and mix up our appointment days in the scribbling.

I sometimes laugh too loud and at the wrong times.
I cry when I watch a sad movie or hear a sad song.

I have been with a group of people wanting to ask a question which I believe to be stupid and am so happy when some one else asks it.  They are looked on with awe as others think what a bright question.

I still make plans every morning and often they do not work out but often it is because something better comes along.

I rescued  our youngest son when he was drowning at the beach and also our oldest son when he sat on an ants nest. 

I have put out fires before the fireman came.

Yes I am determined to enjoy life even when it confuses me!


Anonymous said...

three days off for me now. I got home at 3am last night. three very very nights . kids are off at birthday party's , I'm watching baseball. Back to cold weather here.

nancy-Lou said...

Confessions...well you are a lot braver than me to confess to so many things, Beth. I am sure if we all looked around we would have just as many or perhaps more!

That must have been a very scary time for you when you had to rescue Ken from drowning. Carl had to do that too, when Mark was taking a swimming lesson class at the YMCA as a child. He was floundering in deep water and Carl had to dive in. The instructor never saw him.

I see it is cold in Australia....I have a cousin in New Zealand and she said the past year has had terrible weather.

How wonderful to have daughters who invite you for holiday meals. I wish we could...but no...I will be making Thanksgiving supper for the 50th time...we have no daughters and our beloved daughter in law passed away four years ago. Our youngest son is a bachelor. Well we are blessed to have our sons and our many of our friends don't children and no family left now that they are seniors.

The heavy snow up north has resulted in the late migrants, the juncoes arriving here in droves. They will be here for a couple of weeks and then the migration is done for another year. In northern MB they received up to 3 feet of snow, with 10 foot drifts. Glad we escaped it!

I wish you a good day,
Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

Great blog.your comments brought a smile to my face and recognition to my mind as l identify with some of your confessions my list would probably be longer but l have forgotten some of my misdemeanors and thats a blessing.It looks like a very miserable day this morning so l am planning to do a miserable task sorting out the pile of papers on my desk that need attention. l hope to feel good when it is done. l give thanks for your friendship over so many years. Much love jane.

beth bennett said...

Dad goes back between football and baseball and next it will be hockey. It seems you never know who will win until it is over.

I am thankful for others making turkey diners and even the boys Rick and Ron and Panteli have done it. Turkey is not done in Australia.

Glad your nights are over Ken but do get some rest.

Well Nancy I cooked the dinner for more than 50 years so your turn will come

I just had to say okay I am not doing it anymore.

Love mom
Looking forward to another crazy get to- gether on Monday.

Sandra said...

Painted trim all day today. Watched a silly humming bird flying around dodging the rain drops off and on. The pressure is on to pick a wall colour. Truth be told I am kind of just liking it like this, all empty and blah.

Did you get ahold of everyone one that you wanted to?
