Thursday, October 6, 2016


We were told to expect rain and it is here.

I was thinking about recovery in all its different forms.  Rain is a time for the earth to recover and drink in the moisture it  needs.  Winter is a time of rest and recovery.  Our hearts break with the grief of others going through times of suffering and disaster.  Some recover completely while others do not.  Travelers have to recover from time changes.  We all have gone through times of illness, whether it is a mild cold or a big operation.  The body has to fight back to recover.

We also have times of disappointment even as children when we feel no one understands us.
The hardest times are when we feel disappointment with God and emotionally cannot feel His presence.

Recovery can mean changing our memories of the negative into the positive. 

I now believe that not only the physical needs recovery but the spiritual.  We all are human beings with our own weaknesses and failure.  As a Christian I am not better than any one else but I am different.  I believe in the power of forgiveness and grace.  Forgiveness is not an option and first I must forgive myself.  Becoming aware of my own faults helps me to be more accepting of the faults of others.  If I am truly honest I see that I am no better than the addicts that have messed up their lives and hit bottom and see the need of change.

As a Christian I can sit in church and mouth the right words but until I admit I need to repent and turn my life over to that Higher Power that does know me best I will not experience inner peace and joy!

Today a day of recovery not only for dad but for us all!

Jesus heals those who know that they are "poor in spirit" which is where I am at!


nancy-Lou said...

An interesting lesson Beth...recovery of faith. Something I am slowly doing, step by step. Your words are very helpful. i guess we all face recovery of some kind often throughout our lives. I think for me, the most challenging was the recovery after my parents died in a house fire when I was 33. In some ways, it still haunts me. All these years later.

We need Larry's services at our bird feeding station...the birds are flying every which way...almost colliding in mid air. 8 blue jays, quite a few magpies, chipping sparrows, blackbirds, all greedily gulping down seeds, peanuts and fat. What complicates things is the presence of yet another hawk, who is terrorizing them. He flies at "jet speeds" dodging through branches and leaves. Must be a falcon...they are agile fliers.

so good to hear that Larry is recovering so well and able to go on a pretty long bike ride.
How are you doing Beth? Are you getting stronger and able to walk a little further?

Well I guess I must get busy and organize music etc for my classes later today. Practice too!

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy.

The loss of your parents in tragic circumstances would be very hard.

The lose of a parent is always sad.

I try to walk further but I come home walking crooked if I walk too hard.

I am going back to using a cane which is difficult to accept. I battle fatique.

Larry would love to come and direct your birds and have more success than directing me.

love beth

Unknown said...

Thank- you for your rich thoughts about recovery. An amazing process. We fall and rise again . Love Jane.

Sandra said...

Hmm, could have sworn I commented yesterday. A cane is a good thing. Sandra