Monday, October 31, 2016


I have to go close to take these guys picture.
I remember lugging a big pumpkin in and the mess of cleaning it out and then cutting a face.
This is a real work of art!

I started out Sunday full of good feelings but by the time I got home from church and driving someone home I was feeling tired and cranky.  I was thankful dad had lunch ready to put on the stove.  I felt shaky driving which was not good. 

They are talking about children with allergies so I got some new candies, but carrying my basket I knocked over a whole display.  I was tempted to just walk away but instead knelt down to start picking them up.  A kind lady came over right away to help me.  She said: "I bet these just jumped off the shelf at you."  We laughed together.  One of those moments you know what life is all about.

Dad went to the garage with Kim as she had a small accident with her car.  The car in front of her started going through the light and then stopped.  She was in a hurry to teach a class.  The hood and the lights were damaged and will be very expensive to fix.  She will have to decide what to do.  She is such a good driver and has had no accidents until now.

"Kindness elevates the simplest moment into something bigger.
Beyond this kindness has a transcendent power!"   Laura Schroff

One more rest until the little voices yell Happy Halloween at the door.


Sandra said...

I am glad Halloween is over. The first 3 years in our new neighborhood there were not any fireworks, but last night there were a lot so Peanut would not go out at all. I got up at 10:30 to take her out but there were still some going off in the distance so she would not go. I think I got up about 4:30. All getting to be a blur. I am going to start training her to sleep in the laundry room again.

We had a pretty steady stream of kids from just before 6 till 8 when I turned the outside lights off.

Randy is back on graveyards this week. Would have been nice if he could have been on afternoons. He ran out of wood for the trim yesterday but we will be putting the furniture back tonight so I guess it will get finished when we move 20 years from now.


nancy-Lou said...

How about the call "Halloween Apples?" That is the call we used to say here in Manitoba...but nowadays we don't hear it often. I think the kids are afraid they may get apples instead of candies.
Call me a grinch if you like, but the magic went out of Halloween for me when it became blown out of proportion and now is a huge money making thing.
So much for the cute little children dressed in home made we have lots of BIG 16 and 17....along with little ones dressed in expensive costumes...such a consumer society we have today.
Our community practices a "safe Halloween" and everyone takes their goodies up to the community centre where it is one big party. We still get kids at the door though.People from outside the community who don't know about it.

I am so glad Kim wasn't injured in the accident. Too bad about her car though. I am sure the insurance will pay for it, but I guess there is a deductible there.

I am sorry to hear you felt shaky and tired after church on Sunday, Beth. I pray for more energy for you and better health. This getting older is not for the faint of heart is it?
I know it is easy to feel down when one has pain and fatigue. I see it in Carl almost every day as he struggles with his rheumatoid arthritis and other health problems.
I know Larry too, lives with pain in his feet and always keep both of you in my prayers. Feel better soon, both of you!

Haha...knocking over the display...oh boy it must have given you a start! How kind of that lady to make a joke and give you a helping hand. I had a couple of incidents like that in Beausejour yesterday....just gave a little helping hand to a couple of ladies and the smiles and thanks just made my day.

Beausejour is a farming town and there are lots of large farm trucks lining the main drag. They park the old fashioned way....not parallel parked, but nose first to the curb. Often it isn't easy to back out because you are screened from seeing what is coming...but people are used to cars backing out unpredictably and stop for you. There is a large population of retired farmers there and an active senior's centre. It is a lovely little town. The drive there is so pretty...past old farms and newer farms, all with large gardens.

Well my coffee is cold and housework awaits..I wish you a good day,

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Good thing you had help to pick up the spilled candies. Sometimes we have to get use to receiving help when it use be us giving out the help. :) (How do I know this? Ha ha)



beth bennett said...

Poor Peanut.

I hope you can get her trained.

Would she sleep with the kittens?
we had Haiti one Halloween and she was a nervous wreck
and we were too.

Yes Rick you guys are not far behind us .

Love mom