Sunday, October 23, 2016


A good morning for a drive to White Rock.
I am going back to the doctor to finish the hurried appointment I had two weeks ago.
Still lots of healthy trees lining the street with a variety of colours.
By afternoon fog and clouds are moving in.
What a difference when I arrived at Dr. Nolte's .
I was shown right in.
Everyone was happier because it affects everyone when the wait gets too long.
I was able to get my questions heard and one problem that disturbs my sleep is restless legs that jump and move about and there is no way I can get comfortable.  The longer I am awake the more frustrated I become.  There is some medicine that along with vitamins that the doctor is hopeful that  can be helpful.  I also have an appointment with a female urologist that will look after my bladder problem.  I am hopeful of getting back into my big girl pants.

On the way home we stopped at Choices to get some special probiotics that should help dad with his after surgery stomach issues.  That will really help his over-all health especially to gain a few pounds back.  He is getting too skinny.  Now he was skinny when I married him but I worked very hard to get him to put some weight on.

We stopped at Milestones to have my favorite salad and dad had beef sliders.  Two small buns that were just enough for him to digest.  After we got home he went for a bike ride and I had gone for my morning walk so we are trying to keep healthy.

To be healthy means to me to address issues and find answers that philosophy and literature and arts and science as well as the spiritual.  I like to add colour to our home and that incudes colourful candles and flowers as well as books.  Beauty adds strength to my body and soul and helps me to be more healthy. 


nancy-Lou said...

Such a pretty photo...I know it takes a lot of time to take the pictures and choose which one(s) for your blog. Seeing the various trees and flowers makes me long for the coast again. It has been about 7 years since we have been there and we always went for a few months every winter for 25 years.

Well that is good are being referred to a female urologist. I hope she can help with your bladder problems. I know it can be very annoying because Carl has the same thing.
restless legs are very annoying. One thing that can cause it is the use of Gravol, the anti nausea medicine. Often people will take one or two to help them sleep and it does cause restless leg syndrome. B vitamins help a lot.

I am off to see the dentist AGAIN ...the fifth appointment for this darned infection in my chin from the tooth abscess. It has cost me a fortune and isn't ending...I think he will refer me to a denta surgeon. ARGH.

Today is a beautiful day, once Bella and Max and I will go for a good walk..probably up to pick up the mail at the post office. We have boxes not door to door delivery.

I hope you are able to get out for a nice walk too,

Have a great day,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It is funny how the dates on your blog are posting. It says Sunday but pretty sure you did not post that two days ago.

I think I will miss that office when they move into the big new fancy building. It always seems more impersonal in those places. I wonder if Dr Nolte will still have his pictures of Africa on the wall, or if they will have a designer pick out all the art work.

I pick up the 3 kittens after work today. The floors are going well, hopefully they will pretty much be finished laying them today. If we went with prefinished it would be all over. Oh well.


beth bennett said...

I usually write my blog on the evening now.

I read to my walking rest thing and the day always
seems to be busy.

I want go visiting Tuesday.

Good luck the kittens and new flour.

Nancy what a nasty to you are having.

I will continue to pray for you.

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

Awe, Sandra, you are the best! More kittens even with the disruption of home renos! Looking forward to some photos!

Our Family doctor is also from South Africa....AND he has photos of South AFrica on his wall too. One is a collage of all the various animals and it is really nice.

Love, Nancy