Monday, October 17, 2016


One by one visions of skeletons and ghosts are appearing I like the friendly ones.

Up early in the dark and the cold.  My old rusty bones complain as I slowly get out of bed.
Visions of hot coffee and a toast and an egg motivate me.
I turn on the kitchen light and hear a strange rattle noise and I nearly jump out of my skin.

I know it is not time for me to be a skeleton yet so I slowly and quietly enter the warmth of the room.  I dread the thought it may be a mouse or a robber.  I listen and all is quiet so I think it must have been my imagination.  Houses do make strange noises at times.

My prayers are a time of visioning healing love surrounding those I am praying for.  Praying that Ophelia  will gain wait and sleep better in the loving care of Leah and Craig.  Leah is coming over tomorrow afternoon so I hope I get to feed her.

Grandpa Rick is still feeling exhausted and waiting for a stress test.  I would advise a internist.  He also has a bad cough like Carol.  I know what it is like when doctors cannot find answers that will restore your health.

Sandra has great visions when it comes to decorating.  I can hardly wait till it is finished!

My brother and his wife Traudl both nave continuing health problems.  She has cancer and arthritic knees which require an operation.  She also has lost her voice but still has a good sense of humour.  Brian has asthma and skin cancer and polops  (very painful to be removed) in his nose and both have high blood pressure.  They have to drive to Cranmore from Invermere on winter roads which are nightmares.  He will be back home for his birthday on the 20th. 

Dad has a vision of a small shed he would like to build over by the butterfly bush to put garden tools  away in.

Religion I believe is meant to give us a vision greater than any of our hopes and dreams and has been spoilt by making it more about rules and prayers by rote.  It is easy to drift along but their comes a time to wake up to the presence of God who is with us with every breath we take.

Without a vision the people perish!  -scripture.


Sandra said...

I had a dream last night about a house and I really liked the colours, a lot of wallpaper which I would love to use here as well.

Did I mention I got to watch them do an ultra sound on Peanuts bladder? Poor girl has a very bad infection with lots of things floating around and the walls are very thick from inflamation. We are trying a second antibiotic to see if it works. I am sure Peanut is looking forward to sleeping better just as much as I am.

Waiting to hear back from the kitchen designer if the plan she has for us is going to be affordable or not.


Unknown said...

what a lovely way to pray for people .l will do it too. its good to hear that Sandra enjoys and has a talent for decorating .l don't have much confidence in mine and have asked Joanne Morden for help when l have had to make major decisions because it is expensive to renovate and you have to live with the results for a long time. Geof is off to lunch with a mens group at the seniors centre today and l usually go for time in the pool hot tub and steam room ,very relaxing and then have lunch with some woman l have met through my cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth arrived home yesterday after her epic journey to England and Africa We are looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing the many pictures she has taken particularly of the animals she saw on Safari. Shalom.Salam namaste. Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Awe, poor Peanut, those bladder problems and infections are awful. Bella, our Schnoodle had one and there was blood in her urine when we got her. The rescue had her on meds already and after we completed the course of meds she never got it again. So thankful! I pray Peanut will respond well to her meds too.

You made me laugh BEth with your description of the loud noise...and your nearly jumping out of your skin. Glad all was well and you got your breakfast.

I guess we all have troubles in our families...reading about Rick and Ophelia's health problems and your poor brother and sister in law makes me know we are not along! Well I aam healthy, but Carl sure has problems. his hands and wrists are so terribly swollen, they look like boxing gloves. Prayers for everyone for better health, good diagnosis too.

Wallpaper? Don't tell me it is coming back in fashion! I guess everything comes around full circle!

We are having problems with bears getting into the public garbage bins and leaving messes every day. One of the bins is located where school kids wait to get on the bus in the dark...not good.
The mom isn't being heard by our council and municipal office....the permanent residents out here are forgotten during the months the cottagers are not here. All councillors, the mayor and even the RM office are in Winnipeg. The permanent residents are fed up and forming an advisory committe and being pro-active.

Well I am off to chase some mice around...grrrrrr

Have a great day,
Love Nancy