Wednesday, October 12, 2016


My study group is a study in playful holiness.  We love to laugh and joke together.
We bring the energy of all our personalities into our discussion. 

Even though the questions in our study group seemed very difficult they always become clearer as we work on them together.  Vera's prayer helped us to focus on the challenges of learning more about the Bible and especially about miracles.  We agree that we live in a world full of miracles in our everyday lives.  We all have our stories to share which sometimes are about turning difficulties into miracles.

In my life I remember being in the hospital after an operation getting a blood transfusion and because it was the wrong blood I went into shock.  This was in the hospital in Richmond.  Dad was working at the airport near by and came over on his lunch break.  He took one look at me and call the nurse for help.  I was extremely cold and knew I was failing but not my time.   

It is hard to choose one miracle in the Bible that meant the most to us.  I like to think of the woman who had been so deathly ill reaching out to touch the hem of the robe of Jesus and spiritual energy was release and she was heal.  Image carrying healing energy that some of us have experienced as warmth and a loving presence.

The miracle is the presence of Jesus that dwells in each one of our hearts and can flow out to others.



Unknown said...

it seems to me that life itself in all its miriam forms is the biggest miracle of all.YESTERDAY WAS A VERY BEAUTIFUL FALL DAY WE WENT FOR THREE WALKS GETTING AHEAD OF THE STORMS WE ARE TOLD THAT ARE ON THEIR WAY. BYE FOR NOW ,LOVE JANE.

beth bennett said...

Yes Jane Our group felt just like you.

MIRACLES can be unexpected and supernatural.

The words of Jesus have been misunderstood
and forgotten. But He lives on in the miracles
he performed that everyone has some knowledge about.

Trying to see the needs that have been met and the deeper meaning of life revealed is a challenge.

Why did Jesus turn water into wine.

We are always left with new questions.


nancy-Lou said...

Personalities....well we certainly are a diverse group of people aren't we? Even in a small group we are very different in looks and in personalities, which makes life interesting!

I can read between the lines and hear how much you enjoy your study group, Beth. Do you meet at the church or in people's homes?
We had a study group here, at my husband's sister's home. It was quite crowded so some of us sat on the floor to watch the video on her tv. One old fellow, ( bless his heart ) used to be sure and come early and snaffle the comfiest easy chair with the best view and promptly fall asleep!

Today is a teaching day, piano lessons. I always look forward to that. I made beef ribs in the crock pot so supper will be ready. Will work our in the garden this afternoon tidying up the last few things...getting ready for winter. Our son will come too and help out...

Have a super day,
Love Nancy

Sandra said...

It is great you are still able to get out and about and see the friends you have had for so many years.

Dont know how I missed your blog for a couple of days. Just busy I guess.
