Monday, October 3, 2016


Strange mushrooms growing in my garden.
A big bang against our door in the night and dad got up to investigate.  The strange thing was I did not hear it.  No sign of anything in the morning. 

I was up early and went to look out the front window were the wind was blowing rain drops on the pane.  The strange thing was a Chinese man starring back at me.  I think he was looking at the garden but it was unsettling.

I planned to go for a walk but changed directions several times and then decided to go to the Safeway instead.  There I met an old friend and we sat down to have a chat.  Her elderly husband had past away recently and now she is planning to sell and move near her daughter.  She hates to leave her friends and her church here.  We share news of our families and then she tells me about the death of her husband.  He has been very ill over the last ten years but was put in hospital because of a possible bowel blockage.  He was there five days and I guess they were waiting for it to move and then decided he needed an operation.  Both he and his wife felt he would not survive so he told the nurse Jesus had told him it was time to go home.  He had his wife drove him home and along the way it was like he saw the world with new eyes and he was in a very positive frame of mind.  Even commented on her good driving!

She got him into the house and to the bedroom door and he passed away in her arms just like that.

Another lesson about what is important in life.  It is not the treasures we store up but the treasure of friendships and relationships.  We both thought we were meant to meet that morning!


nancy-Lou said...

Those are the strangest mushrooms I have ever seen. They look like lobster mushrooms in colour and shape, but they don't have that blue ball in the centre.

Now if we had a loud bang on our house, it would likely be the bear knocking the bird feeding tray off the window in the living room. Then our dogs would be up barking like crazy. They are good watch dogs.

We don't have any peeping toms, but that would be most unsettling to have a man in your garden early in the morning.

We had a glorious red sunrise this morning which portends the stormy weather that is coming
There are strong winds already so I will have to hang onto the wheel when driving the dogs to their grooming appt. Tying to get all the appts done before the snow and ice comes. There will be snow today, but it will be a couple of hundred miles up north from us. It will be getting cold though.

How is baby Ophelia doing? I hope all is good.

Have a good day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

That was a very brave decision to make, to decide to not try and live any longer. Is her daughter very far away?

How is dad feeling? Is his doctors appointment next week?

Up before 5 this morning cleaning and packing up all of the kitten supplies this morning and then dropped them off at 8. Hard to not cry, but it was easier with out Randy there. He really wanted to keep one this time but I said no.


Sandra said...

We are putting hardwood on our main level Nancy-Lou. We have carpet now and it is all wrinkly and being off white does not hold up well the all the animals and grandchildren.

Would have been a much better idea to get this done before we moved into the house, but I guess we doing things the hard way.

Anonymous said...

How is dad ? Ophelia doing ok? I'm off to work now ugggh ,hard to go back after 3weeks off. We have been having the worst weather ever. But , it should clear and be warm tomorrow. Sydney weather has been terriable. Flights have diverted to Melbourne two days in a row now over 400 hotel rooms booked in the last two night and about 800 taxi vouchers!!! ✈️
Don't forget to watch the baseball. Starting in a half hour !!

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra, won't that be so much better for nice and clean and easy to upkeep.
I guess it will be a few days of turmoil, but well worth it. Thanks for letting me know! Big change for you.

beth bennett said...

Her daughter lives in Abbotsford.

We are going to try and keep in touch.

Dad is doing better I think the BRAT diet helped
although he was sort of being a brat about it.

Had rice today which is the R and he liked it.

So now it is eat what you want and wait and see.

Dad is watching football.

Love mom