Saturday, October 22, 2016


Words cannot express our sadness knowing the pain and suffering our minister Kimiko and her husband are sharing with knowing after all he has been through he now has an inoperable and untreatable cancer.  Our small congregation has been blessed by her leadership as well as her healing energy.  May they be supported by prayer and our love.

Sandra stopped by to catch me in the act of moving furniture.  She returned our dishes and a banana loaf for dad.  She still has our crock pot so maybe it will be returned with some of the chili she is making for her work party.  It will be a fun advent with her contributions and many ideas,

I did go for a walk and dad went shopping but both of us were content just to be at home.  Yes, the hockey game is on.

I was pondering about leadership as it is my turn to lead our Bible study group this coming Wed.  Like most of us I put a little extra energy into it when I am the leader.  I do not have all the answers so we will be searching for new insights together.  I have to ask myself are my prayers more like grumbling than learning to trust and not to fear what may lie ahead.

Salvation comes when our worries are turned from fear into faith knowing that things may get worse before they improve.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous
but the Lord delivers us out of them all.  Psalm 34; 14 His own way
..........In His own time
................He brings good out of our misery for others to find hope.


nancy-Lou said...

Such sad times for your minister and her husband. Cancer seems to be lurking everywhere these days. I pray they will find comfort and solace in their faith.
How many people do you have in your church now Beth? Our little church only has about 10 regulars. In summertime the numbers swell with the cottagers here.

How nice of Sandra to bring some baking over for Larry. I like to bake for my family too. You are fortunate that so many of your family live close by and can drop in for a visit, a nap or with baking!

Today is a beautiful fall day, with cobalt blue skies and brilliant leaves in golds and rusts. Many of the leaves are on the ground now, but there are some laggards hanging on and they are so pretty.
It inspires me to paint in acrylics because of their strong colours...and a scene has been "painted " in my head so I need to do it before it departs!
It is a scene along the road to the pier that overlooks the bay....the painting is the easy is coming up with the idea and composition etc and all that is usually done in my mind first! Some of Rick's photos are inspiring and I find myself planning paintings in my head!

Carl is watching football and the noise of the crowd and that constant shrill whistle is driving me around the bend..think I will clean up after lunch and take the dogs for a good walk. Then paint,

We are off to Winnipeg tomorrow. Carl sees the rheumatologist. The office is right across the it takes us an hour and three quarters to get there. He has a bad flare up and hoping the doctor will order the Rituxabab infusion again. That usually settles things down for a year. He needs two infusions, which are 6 hour procedures and each one is $5,600 or so. so we will be on the road a lot in November.

Well I had better get cranking...lots to do,

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy hope all goes well to-morrow in your drive and doctor's visit.

What a painful condition to have.

I am sure your painting will be a joy to others.

love beth