Friday, October 7, 2016


Yes my day started with good intentions.  Dad and I agree of a few things and one of them is the more tired I feel the more I try to do.  Had a busy morning in the garden and on a short walk.  Met  some of my dogie people who always ask about Haiti.

We had planned to go to Shoppers Drug Mart because it is 20% day off for oldies like us.  Dad said I look like I needed a rest first while he had a bike ride.  Did I rest I confess instead I cleaned the bedroom. 

Yes I still wanted  to go shopping so we did.

Yes Jane I am thankful I do not need to go down 14 floors in a temperamental elevator to do my pile of laundry.  Thanks Jane for the phone call

Feelings of being guilty of laziness from childhood.

Learning to know the truth about myself and about God. 

It will be three steps forward and two back until I recover what is true!


Unknown said...

Nice to talk with you yesterday.It would be even nicer to have a visit,so lets do that when both you and Larry are up to it .perhaps as you once suggested we could meet at the Sylvia as lam now feeling more confident about driving in was a wild night overnight here ,high winds thunder and heavy rain but it is to be expected particularly now that we are so close to both the mountains and the was nothing however to what is being experienced in the States and Haiti. How devastating can that be .l do not find listening to the news uplifting it is mostly bad stuff that we can do very little if anything about. However music of many kinds both Geof and l find can raise the mood and the spirits and it is a universal language. so we are increasingly involved with both live and recorded music.l hope you find something to laugh at today. Love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Oh boy, living 14 floors up would be my worst nightmare.....I have a fear of fire and need a quick exit! If we do move to an apartment it will have to be on the main level or the second floor. Hopefully we can stay in our home until after all our pets are gone. That will be a few years yet!

Beth, I am glad that you know not to walk too far if you get tired and walk crooked...don't push it! Just go as far as is easy. Funny as kids it is ingrained in us to keep pushing and as adults we don't want to fail...but we have to be kind to ourselves now that we are older and know our limits. Same goes to trying to do too much and not resting..always trying to please right? Well you don't have to do that now... "go with the flow"!

The past few days have been very stormy here....and I see from Jane's post that it has been stormy there too. Have the fall storms started? It is trying to snow here, the rain is looking like icy snow, but it is melting as it comes down. A sign of what is ahead for us!
I looked out the gloves and touqes and pretty soon it will be winter boots. Getting ready for winter is a gradual process in the fall starting with getting out the winter clothes and ending with parkas and winter boots. So I have time yet!

I had an amazing first lesson with a piano student yesterday...what a talented young girl, she is 12. We had so much fun playing together....I played some secondo to her primo and we laughed and laughed when she would count 1,2,3, and start and leave me in the dust...she was supposed to say 1,2,3,go....soo looking forward to her lessons. She oozes rhythm and talent.

Where is Haiti now? You must miss her going for walks. I will take my dogs later on for the daily constitutional . Wait for the rain/snow to let up.

Wishing you a nice day,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes our first wild and windy storm.
Our power was out in the night for about an hour.
We have been fortunate not having loss of power for days,
Haiti is with Kim at Carol and Panteli's
She will come for a sleep over one of these days.
I meet and greet her old pals when I see the,
Locw beth

nancy-Lou said...

Hang on to your hat, Beth! Glad your power wasn`t out for very long.

Won`t that be cute! A sleep over for Haiti...then you can take her walking to see her old friends!

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I was so tired I slept through the storm. i think I noticed it was windy when I walked peanut, but just have so much on my mind that it did not really register. I am glad it didn't as Randy was away all night and I would have worried about being with out power. The funny thing is his hotel over in North Vancouver was with out power.

If you and dad are not going to use the generator maybe we will pick it up.
