Monday, October 10, 2016


Celebrating the Harvest.

Yes today our family is gathering at Carol and Panteli's for thanksgiving!
It will be a time of hilarity,tall tales and turkey .  I was tempted to say turkeys.

I know looking and laughing together gives me an overwhelming sense of gratitude.  Missing will be Ken and Rick and I hope we will be able to get updates from both of them.  Ken phoned when we were out  but he was out when we returned the call.  Maybe out playing base ball with Matthew
  Baseball fever is n the air with another win by Toronto?  I should know who is on first base etc.

Sandra came over and joined us at Applewood the small tea room.  I had a cup of soup and dad had apple crisp.  I find her and Randy's life confusing as he keeps changing his work time of coming home etc.  Today he will be home and he and Sandra are moving heavy furniture out some where so that the new floors can go in.

Church is a good place for me to feel thankful.  Even the old story about Moses and his people wandering in the wilderness and getting annoyed at God because although they were slaves they ate better in while they were in captivity.  Now they are complaining because God's timing is soooo slow.  Yes I have often thought that but when I look back I realize His slowness was a time for me to keep learning.

I feel that thankfulness should be a part of our daily awareness.  There is always a lot to be thankful for every day.  I know that as I watch our family inter act I will be very thankful.

I am reminded that there is a little bit of me in each one of them.!

At church I was reminded that there is a little bit of God in me and everyone.

Happy Thanksgiving and keep the Feast going!


Sandra said...

We are all confused by Randy's schedule, that is because he simply does not have one. Makes projects hard to schedule. I let him sleep in till almost 8 but since I have been up since 5 I am ready to get at it and maybe even have time for a shower before heading to Carols later.


nancy-Lou said...

Did you say there were a bunch of turkeys at the supper? You made me laugh Beth! We had a bunch here too!

I can understand Sandra's frustration with Randy working shifts and to make things worse not even having a schedule....Carl worked shifts for almost 20 years when he was with the Winnipeg Police Services.

The turkey carcass hit the crock pot for soup and it is smelling awfully good. Our dogs and the neighbour's dog have had lots of turkey and rice for super...they are sleeping it off.

I had another new piano student start lessons today and she is very musical too. I hope they stay with it for the is always exciting for me too, to have some new students. All girls...where are the boys?

Thanksgiving Day is always a little nostalgic because it signifies the end of the cottage season and we won't see them until next May. it also means winter is fast coming and I need to finish the outdoors work. Picking up hoses, raking leaves,putting away the fountain.lots to do. I will put out the Christmas lights on the trees as well, but won't turn them on until the beginning of December.

I look forward to seeing the pictures from your supper.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes we had lots of fun.

I need to clean up out side.

I love turkey soup.

love beth