Sunday, October 16, 2016


I decide I will wait for the right time.
Everyday there are many choices of the words I can say.  They can be colourful and cheerful like the leaves that are now covering the ground.  They can be magic like the first word a child says to their parent.  Some words are tough to say when confront with grief of a broken heart.  Some words we carry within us all our lives.  Words can be just squiggles on the page until the wonder of learning to read happens.  We want our words to convey the truth with love and compassion.

I am struggling with deciding what words should be said.  Do they need to be said.  I decide to wait for the right time and will continue to pray for wisdom.

I go to church and find my own words a barrier to the words that I need to hear.

It is a wonderful service of baptism and tears fill my eyes at the sight of this new tiny little one in her long dress.  My children were all baptized except Ken who was sick in the hospital the day he was to be baptized.  It is a special ceremony but it is a ritual, not for this family, but for families we never see again.  It is parents promising to bring up this child in the faith.  I have tried to do that with all my children.  I was thankful for help from my church, 

I know that God's love is bigger and His Words more inclusive than some of ours.

Some old friends were there and we talked to try to catch up on their lives.

Their was a fabulous cake and I could have taken a piece home for dad but I felt I would eat it before it got home.  I was very hungry and I love sweet things. 

Humour is a good way to finish.


nancy-Lou said...

Good Morning interesting topic ....words. You have a "gift" for words and writing words. Inspirational words and comforting words and informative words. How you come up with the word or words for the topic of the day is after day there is another interesting topic.

As a teacher and hopefully a good teacher I have to be careful with my words...I have to give positive reinforcement as well as constructive criticism...which can be a fine balance. Each student is different.

We are thinking of selling the house and moving to Winnipeg because Carl has so many doctors appointment and illness. He has three important procedures coming up soon and they will involve at least 9 trips to the city, on winter roads. His rheumatoid arthritis is flaring and his hands are looking like boxing gloves and very hard to use. He lives with a lot of pain.

I don't want to move, but we have to face the facts and it is just too expensive and too difficult for us to continue travelling to all these doctor things.
I am starting to downsize and sell things and donate to the Sally Anne as well. We will take the winter to decide what to do and talk to a realtor.
The problem will be finding an apartment that allows two dogs.

Glad everyone came through the storm unscathed. Sometimes they issue such dire storm warnings and not much happens and when they don't issue storm warnings we get hit!

The snow is all around us, but today is a lovely fall day with temps 15C and bright blue skies.

The Christenings or Baptisms as our minister calls them are so touching, aren't they? Our church used to hold them every so often and there were always a few children and the occasional adult who were Christened.

Today is a clearing out the junk day.....part of the downsizing.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Yes, words have so much power. I find I need to hold mine back since apparently I can be blunt at times?

The designer came back with a tentative price of $100,000 for the kitchen.

I did not have many good words about that : (.


Unknown said...

l wrote a comment and it just disappeared so maybe it wasn't worth saying just a bunch of words. but words are so important they can be so hurtful or helpful and are powerful beyond belief . Just a few words can change a life .both you and nancy have a real gift for expressing yourselves and painting word pictures . Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourselves through your words. Blessings , Jane.