Wednesday, October 19, 2016


An early drive to see the doctor in White Rock.  It was fogy when we first looked out the window but on the road the sun came peeping out.  We had to be up and out in time for our appointment at the Time Square.
This appointment was to see the surgeon about the gallbladder surgery.  He was pleased how well it went and dad is healing up nicely.

Our timing for the day was all off as we had breakfast again when we got home.  I did some shopping at Choices and there was some bread on sale so that was very good.  I like going there because there is a sign under all the items saying if it is gluten free or not.  Makes it a lot easier than taking time to read all the ingredients. 

Dad went for a long bike ride after we got home and even went by our old house.  It sure seems like a long time ago we lived there.  Like church lots of wonderful memories.

Watched the debate but am disgusted with the way it becomes a shouting match.  I am sure the media will let us know who won and why.  Donald Trump made a big mistake saying he will not agree with the final outcome if it is not in his favor.

It is time to really think about what we know about God but what we do with what we know is even more important.


Unknown said...

yes l was pretty disgusted with the debate last night l do not like Mr Trump and think he would be a disaster as president of the most powerful nation on earth..Glad to hear that the surgeon was pleased with Larry's progress . good to speak to you yesterday. Bye for now, Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, good news about Larry! Glad the healing is coming along well.

I am laughing about your eating breakfast again after getting home from the doctors.I think, at our age we should be able to do whatever we want! Two breakfasts in one day...SURE!

I decided to make ginger cookies and got out my time trusted recipe and upon getting all the ingredients together thought hmmmm this dough is awfully thin, how am I going to roll these cookies....I checked the recipe to make sure I didn't make a mistake and guess what? The recipe was for gingerbread cake! So in the cake pan it went and we had it with whipped cream.
I do have an excellent recipe for ginger cookies too! next time.

I am glad you got some good bread at Choices...they carry both regular breads as well as gluten free I guess. Gluten free are not always very tasty are they? I made gluten free scones today.

Time...well today I felt like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland....go, go and more going....busy all day and I taught a couple of piano lessons as well.

I cannot stand that Donald Trump and refuse to listen to any of his stupid or how desperate are the US citizens to vote for him. Carl watches a lot of it and it seems every time I walk into the living room he is on TV. The press are having a field day.

I am so glad that little Ophelia is gaining some weight.....she is so adorable...just like a little doll. It would be so special to be able to feed her bottles.

Have a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I do not do much baking any more except for
raisin and nut GF cookies.
So your cookies changed into cake
that is something I would do. Ha ha
Love beth