Monday, October 10, 2016


Looks like a party already!
Are they discussing vegetarian or turkey?
Actually it was both!
Once again I ate far to much but it was sure good.
Craig tries to take a picture of me taking a picture.
Morgan has a new hair cut!
Ophelia almost ready for a new dress.
Her Auntie Sandra  longs to dress her up.
Playing games.
Haiti loves to look for squirrels
The happy family off to a dinner at Craig's Auntie.  She is so bright now!
Kim packs up left overs for us.
We are certainly spoilt and are thankful for each one that was there.
It is never the same when one is missing as we love them all.

Ben is playing charades and stumps all.  He takes the bus back and forth to school and soccer practice and has to fit in time to do home work.


nancy-Lou said...

Fantastic photos, Beth. You put a lot of effort into taking the photos and choosing some to post on your blog and I thank-you. What a great party, with good food, games and even balloons! Did you have a turkey too?

Ours was rather sombre in contrast....with only three people and Carl wasn't feeling well. But the food was good and the turkey is now made into soup that will last a few days.

Ophelia is such a dainty little girl isn't she? That is so cute to see Sandra wanting to dress her up in that little dress! Such fun.
Mprgan's haircut looks really good...she has such beautiful hair! Just look at how grown up Ben nice that he is able to board in Vanouver and train with the Whitecaps and go to school too. Busing seems the way the kids get to school these days.

I went out at dawn to feed the birds and it felt and "smelled" like snow. Yes, You can "smell" snow in the air. BRRRRRR. Snow has been moving closer to us every few days. From the north and the west. i wish we had our van insurance claim settled and we could buy some winter tires for our car. It has been over two months and when I call they say they are waiting for the mechanic's report. ridiculous. I will call them again today.

I have to go to our neighbouring town to do some errands today. It is only a 25 minute drive. Tomorrow I have to go to Winnipeg to see our accountant. It seems we are always on the road, one way.

Have a good day,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It was so nice to be able to just come for dinner, though I felt bad not bringing anything. I hope Randy did not snore when he fell asleep. He has been working so many doubles and he is just all tuckered out.

When I see Ophelia I just want to feed her more. She is so small. I guess with a breast fed baby they get more than enough since the breast is used for comfort and feeding, so they are always getting topped up!


Unknown said...

Looks as if you had a very busy and fun thanksgiving . wonderful that you took all those photographs .They will bring back memories for you in years to come. Our gathering was larger than expected as people werWe didn't get home till 10.45 which was very late for us these days e added right up to the last minute .The turkey was great very moist due to Andrews loving care given to its preparation .He no longer has me to argue with him about resting time etc.We were so glad that Kamryn came looking lovely and mingling well.This e mail is going all wrong things are jumping around all over the place very frustrating this elderly computer is not doing well but l suspect it is the elderly operator that is at fault . Bye for now. Love Jane.

beth bennett said...

No Randy did not snore but he sure looked tired.

We did have lots of turkey and veggies!

Nancy Ben is staying with his grandpa Chuck who lives in Cloverdale closer for him there to Sky train and Bus. He plays in the evening at Simon Fraser and maybe we will travel out that way when we feel up to it.

Jane my computer is just like yours and does crazy things in the middle of what I am doing. I will take pity on it now as I think of it getting elderly.

Love mom beth