Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Yesterday our last sunny day for a while.
Today was nice after the morning shower.
Dad went for another bike ride today. 
It was an hour so he is doing well.
His doctors appointment is in several weeks.
                                     I had a short walk saving some energy for a big clean-up.

The cobwebs were fighting a losing battle along with the dust and dirt.  The spiders were trying to run out the door along with dad.  A woman in a cleaning mode is a frightening thing.  Ha ha.  I am glad of dad's cleaning the kitchen but the floor is still left to me.  I do a lot of scattering dirt and crumbs before I clean up my mess. 

I am resting when dad returns from his bike ride.  The noisy vacuums are put away for the day. Dad is now going to enjoy the baseball game.  Then there is another debate.

It is hard to believe that people still like Trump.  I think to start with he was talking to the outsiders, the poor and hopeless.  Jesus also spoke to the broken and lost of his generation with a strong  message that had the power to set them free.  It was a time of spiritual cleaning house to restore those who had felt scattered and unwelcomed by the religious priests dressed in fine robes that set them above all who were seen as sinners.

My thoughts have been very scattered today life seems to be  paradox of unanswered questions,
inner conflicts and confusion.  If Jesus has come to reveal the truth that makes life living the best I can do is to try to follow his path.  I am fascinated by Jesus and hope to continue to let his stories shape my attitude and my decisions and my actions.

Scattered no more and like those who say "idle no more" I want to be a follower who along with others will make mistakes but draws strength from  my faith that is bigger than religion. 


Sandra said...

The one good thing about redoing our flooring is I have not vacuumed or swept the floor in over a week. Though, I think I just might have to give in and do it one last time. A favorite past time of the kittens was to sit in the potted plants and through the dirt on the floor.


Unknown said...

good for you doing all that cleaning. i am lazy and seem to live in an increasing amount of mess but i do feel good when it is cleaned up .A small place gets messy very quickly but it is is also easy to clear up and fortunately l do not notice dust.Thank you for sharing so much of your faith journey.Your thoughts help me in my faith journey which has taken a few twists and turns along the WAY. much love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Doesn't it seem as though you just finish all the housework and it is time to start again? You sure are getting a handle on your fall cleaning, Beth. I have been noticing cobwebs too. Time to get that broom out!

BRRRR it is cold here today. I needed my toque and mitts to go out and feed the birds early this morning. The wind is coming off the lake and the temperature is only 2C. This strong storm seems to be blowing away the last of the warm fall temperatures.

Today I have a new piano student, which is always exciting!

Our church is having a difficult time finding a replacemnt for Judy who retired last month. There are some ministers filling in every second week for communion and the alternate week one of the lay ministers is taking the service. I doubt they will find someone for a permanent position. It is rural and the salary is only $39,000. Mind you there are only two small churches.

I will be glad to stay home today after two days on the road...yesterday to do some banking and the day before to take Max and Bella for grooming. I am finding driving at least an hour one way to do everything. If we go to Winnipeg it is an hour and half one way. Plus it is expensive for gas.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I got a good start Nancy but there is much more to do.

As long as I get out for my walk I am happy to stay home.

Churches are having a difficult time.

We are trying to attract young families.

The children help with a lot of the service.

There are tables set up at front where they can color or play with other games.

They nay scoot from one table to another but they are very comfortable and happy.

I always had to be very quiet at church and I still to this day appreciate stillness during church service. Children in my day were much more respectful of their elders but now a days they are freer stating opinions.

Rain and then a bit of sunshine. Lots of birds flying around some getting ready to leave.

Larry had another bike ride so good for him His second day feeling better, Yah!

love beth