Friday, October 14, 2016


Enjoying the last of the colours!  !
The story on the news  is telling us to prepare for wind and rain on Sat.  The end results will at lot of trees that look like this, bare with no branches.  Our friends are flying down east to-morrow so I am hoping it will not be too bump for them on their journey.  Pat is like me she does not like flying.

Friday morning it is raining heavily but I hope it stops for a while for a short walk.  Dad had his blood test for his P.S.A. and is waiting results today.  Still hopeful it is okay.  I am off to the doctor and will ask for his help in understanding my blood tests and see what changes there need to be made.

Our minister likes to take scripture and make it into a story.  It is a story we are to put ourselves into.
Everyone has a story to tell that  frames our lifestyle, our attitudes, our relationships and the lessons we can still learn.  I went to the Senior's Home to visit Joyce because I think she enjoys my visits and it helps me to feel better about myself.  She was very alert and she shared a lot of stories about her school days and her parents.  A  more interesting visit.  I nearly got run over in the parking lot.

I have to lead the Bible study next time.  I have looked ahead and it is the crossing of the Red Sea.  Lots of questions.  Was it red?  Was it a sea?  Did God intend for the Egyptians to all drown?

Nothing changes a nation like a powerful story.  One that blows away the clouds of the past and becomes a new story of deliverance.

We hunger for a great story that can change our lives and give humanity direction and purpose.

I am a believer!


Sandra said...

I guess I should be more of a believer that I can write my own story and have the outcome be to my liking. We are still undecided about the kitchen, if it will stay or go. Randy works away at the particle board slowly getting all of the layers off.

I am suppose to be painting the living room this weekend, not sure if that will happen or not.


nancy-Lou said...

What colour are you painting the living room, Sandra? Your colour choices always are interesting!

Your friends at the nursing home must be very happy to have you visit Beth. Your dedication is much to be admired. You would bring a ray of sunshine into their otherwise dull life. When I visit Carl's cousin in the nursing home I see so many who look lonely. I always stop at the main room and so a little visiting, but cannot stay long...if we lived in town I sure would go and visit and play some old time songs for them.

gosh it sure is stormy at the coast...the wind is blowing hard and it looks like the rain is really coming down. We are having above seasonal weather, which today is 14C.
Isn't it getting dark early now? By 7pm we are dark and the morning sun doesn't rise until almost 8am.

We are all ready for winter. The snow shovels are waiting, the yard is all winterized ....just have to get the snow tires on the car...waiting for autopac.

Well it is suppertime...have to run! Have a lovely evening. ARe you going to watch the Blue Jays game? We are.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes we are watching the Blue Jays too.

Another bat is broken and part of it goes flying
into the crowd. People must get hurt.

A quiet evening.