Friday, September 30, 2016


Camera difficulties.
Took pictures at the airport which did not turn out.
At the airport here he had a real big security check for an hour but he left on time.
At  L. A. he had a wait and another long security check but the last we heard he was in the boarding line.  He was third in line and ahead of him was a couple so if there was only room for one he would get on.  I do not know about the storm at Melbourne.

We did a lot of talking but there are always things that you wished you had mentioned.  Dad and I were thrilled to have him and felt sad coming home to our empty home.  It was not for long as Leah who had been in town with another heart test stopped in for a visit.  Ophelia is now starting to gain weight and was even a bit fussy.  I fed her a bottle and dad went out to find some more special formula which she needs to have added to Leah's breast milk.  She is much brighter and is looking around.

As I hold her I think of the fact that every life has value and a God given purpose.

She is precious and dearly loved.  I will have to remember to speak these words to her.

Words we all need to hear that we are precious and lovable.

I realize that the words of Jesus are like a buried treasure waiting to be discovered!
"Love your neighbor as yourself." 

Ken is on the plane in first class with a broken seat which will not recline we are so relieved he is on his last leg home!

Good last word now I can go to sleep!


Sandra said...

Good to see he got on the plane, even if he will be a bit uncomfortable not able to lie back.


nancy-Lou said...

One of the most comforting thing our minister, Judy told us was, "you are a much loved child of God". Very similar to the words you used today, Beth.

I hope Ken arrived back home safely and without a sore back! Glad he made his connection and didn't get bumped. It is so special that he would travel all that distance to come and stay with you and so special that his family, let him come. Good memories for the memory bank!

I do hope all is well with baby Ophelia. Glad to hear she is getting supplementary formula too..and gaining some weight. I seems like the doctors are keeping good care of her..with tests. Prayers for baby Ophelia for good health and Leah and Craig too.

Unspoken words....yes we all should say what we want to and for some strange reason we hold back.
I find that as I age, it is easier to talk to our sons and easier for them to talk to me...things like how much they are loved and also they say that back to me too!
How grateful we are to have them in our special they are to us.

I returned my friends Volkswagon bug to her today. All washed inside and out, gassed up and the oil is changed. WE had it for a very kind of her to loan it to us. Carl drove our new car up there to pick me up. He is 78 now and drives more slowly...but did OK. I do most of the driving now. I find it strange now to drive our new car...still look for the clutch.

You mentioned that your photos didn't turn out from the made me think of our wedding! My girlfriend, Arlene was my maid of honour....and she took the photos...lots of them. BUT she forgot to put the film in the camera. Some people would have been very upset, but I never worried about it! There were only four of us at the wedding anyway.

The highway and beach is very busy today with city people flocking out to enjoy the wonderful weather here. We will order out for pizza for supper...the last weekend they are open. Have our sons for supper too...salad, and apple crisp as well.

Have a good day,

Love, nancy

larry bennett said...

Apple Crisp of my favorites!

nancy-Lou said...

Larry, I wish you and Beth lived nearby and you could come and enjoy some Apple Crisp with us along with a good visit!
Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Actually, we need an air traffic controller for our busy bird feeding station! There are bluejays, magpies and crows all flying different flight paths...could be a collision coming up!

beth bennett said...

Ha Ha and Larry could direct the birds,

Yes I would love to come over.

Love Beth