Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Yes we are out wine and dining with Sandra and Randy at Northview.  Randy works so many different shifts it is great to have him join us.

It was a shame that dad's stomach was acting up again so he had little choice but to stay home.
Good company and a good view and a good food.  Ken and Sandra talk about their teen-age years and I hear about things I never even knew about.  There is a time to hang on to the past and a time to let go.  It is time to enjoy the moment knowing that good will prevail. 

We have just this one day to live and enjoy the beauty that we gaze upon.

Ken and I enjoyed a walk to the Watershed park, always so filled with color and earthy smells.
My body is at an angle as I walk home because fatigue has set in.  I am thinking about getting some advice on my next doctor visit.

The leaves are just beginning to change at north View and they bring such joy to our hearts to be able to see them.  More and more will change and I hope they last a long time.  If a bad storms comes blowing their branches all about it will also blow the leaves flying off to the heavens.

The expression of love is all that is asked of us and continues to bless our family and strengthen the bond that encourages and inspires us.

I miss my study at the church because I overslept when I lay down for a short nap, this was mostly because the night before I had slept very poorly.  This happens every once in a while and leaves me exhausted the following day.

Wine and dinning is great for recovery.  Thankful for Randy and Sandra!


nancy-Lou said...

AHAHA...Northview is a lovely restaurant! What a treat to be taken there! The photo of your four is a "keeper" as my friends who are photographers like to say. Sorry to hear that Larry was too ill to go. He would be disappointed.

So Friday is the day Ken flies back home. Well that gives you today to make more good memories of his visit. How kind of his family, back home, to let him come.

We are off to the city today. Yesterday was a bad day for me with all my tooth problems. Had a lot of pain and side effects from taking the strong penicillin. Feeling stronger today, so off we go. May not get everything done as I have to teach piano after school today....but at least some thing will be accomplished. Driving the "new car" will be fun. Sure beats that cramped up much as I appreciated the loan of the car...shifting gears all the time and folding up to get into such a cramped and low space was no fun.

I see cooler weather is moving in to your neck of the woods...I hope those Autumn storms hold off for a while yet. I remember my GReat Aunt saying, if you are coming to visit. come before the fall storms in October. I actually lived in New West, with my Great Aunts for three months in 1950, when Winnipeg had the great flood. We visited there every year and sometimes twice a year. Loved my Great Aunts a lot! They were my GRandmothers! Their sister, Anduluzia, ( my Grandmother ) passeed away when my Mom was 9 years old and they raised her.

Well off we go! I wish you a wonderful day filled with great times with Ken.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Yes, it was a lovely meal. Even though the service was slow I did not mind it. We do so much rushing around being forced to slow down is sometimes a good thing.

Kittens were very happy to see me this morning. I always feel bad for the mom cat who has no idea why she has been taken away from her kittens.


Unknown said...

glad to hear that you had a good timE at Northview but sorry that Larry was not up to being with you. We had a good time at the chinese was so nice to have so many of our grandchildren with us . They are a lively crowd. David leaves today We will be sorry to see him go.We too are enjoying the fall colours but not the darker evenings. Take good care of yourselves. Love, Jane.