Monday, September 5, 2016


Very windy
The trees were in constant motion just like they were dancing!
I was transplanting a rose bush when Randy grab my camera and showing off his skills at sneaky picture taking.
Rick drops by for a visit before his long drive home.  I hope the traffic was not too bad on this long week-end.  Randy and Sandra dropped by as well after going to V.V. and then on to pick up a new mother cat and four kittens I believe.  No more boring days for her.

Leah and Craig report they are doing well and glad to be home.

A lot of young people today  like a wild and crazy dancing where everyone does their own thing.

Who needs a partner?

I took Scottish dancing and tap and enjoyed both.  Square dancing at school was also fun.

Faith also can be a dance that goes on within our souls.  Music has a great influence on the way we dance and can be an inspiration as well.

Dad and I are slow dancers as we adjust to being less active in our movements.

Slow or fast we can will dance as long as we hear the music!  !


Unknown said...

Shall we dance tra la la to the music of the spheres.We are off to dance at the Van Deusen Gardens today . We are enjoying our visitors ,it is like having a holiday ourselves.Hope to see you both soon .Love. Jane

Sandra said...

Sorry my plans to help out in the garden this weekend were a bust. Was very tired and just could not seem to get my own work done.

Grenadine and her 3 kittens are very friendly and settling in just fine. The cat litter I had picked up was a different brand and has an over powering perfume smell so will have to get some new stuff today.

Not too much moaning and groaning from Randy in the night so I think he ribs are starting to heal.


nancy-Lou said...

oh yes, square dancing in junior goodness that was fun, but AWFUL if the wrong boys were in your group.hahaha. I bet the boys felt the same way about some girls too.

Good to hear the new baby is now home with her parents and they all are doing well. That is quite an adjustment, isn't it? Gosh I remember arriving home with this new baby and wondering how on earth we were going to know what to do.....but is seems to come naturally doesn't it?

Carl had the cystoscopy today as a day patient and all went well. We are home again, tired, but home. It was an early start to the day. Living so far away from the city means a lot of travel. Our son drove us in as we are still without a vehicle. He is so patient with us two old fogies!

Randy caught you in an "action photo" transplanting that rose. Are they done blooming for the season now? I gave up on the hybrid tea roses after many years of growing them...just have one Pavement Rose and it is is a shrub rose and large for Manitoba standards. It has a lovely fragrance as well.

We are watching the blue jay and hoping they will their game against the Yankees...they lost 3 of the last 4 games, but are still in top spot in their league.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra you looked tired and I will work away at getting things tidy.

Glad Randy is having less pain.

My roses are blooming their last few buds of the season.

We have been watching tennis and a new program on Netflicks.

Thanks Sandra what you did was helpful.

Love mom/