Friday, September 16, 2016


Oliver,  Tavia's  little guy is 6 months and loves to crawl.  He is at the stage where he "makes strange" so he is wondering who we are.  Tavia dropped in for a visit and I was glad to stop sorting and cleaning.  She tells us of all the newest ways to treat your baby.  We have shared many dreams with her and one was to find the right husband and she certainly seems to have done that.  We are happy for them both.

It seems like this time of year a lot of bugs seem to be visiting and giving people sore throats or coughs or sinus infections.  Our bodies do not adjust well to change and dad seems to be proof of that.  His stomach is acting up and we hope it is all part of the gall-bladder problem.  He had to pick up some special soap he has to use the night before and the day of his surgery.  He is grumbling saying just plain soap is just as good.  Anyway we are following instructions.

My toe is also complaining and I am sure it is broken.

Kim also stopped by for a visit.   She is not moving back any time soon as she is extremely busy and working hard at school.  I told her that the bedroom is hers anytime she wants to use it.  She had a visit and a nap before soccer. 

I am off to the doctor today.  I need some blood tests and a prescription filled.

Looking forward to Ken coming.

Love makes a house a home where visitors are always welcomed.


Steady-as-rain said...

I hope you will mention the toe problem to the doctor.

Ken will be here for the anniversary?



Unknown said...

What a cute picture of Oliver pity he was making strange We have a new addition to our home a stuffed puppy quite delightful a present from Delia and Trish along with flowers and a bottle of wine.Geof really loves dogs but we are not allowed pets in this building and a stuffed one suits me fine .We meet many dogs on our walks and geof stops to pet them all and of course we get into conversations with their owners which adds interest to our walks.lThis is a very friendly neighbourhood . there are many widows and they are all wanting to talk.David arrived safely and is installed in Elizabeths apartment .it is so generous of her to let others use her apartment whilst she is traveling.Not fun for you having blood tests most of us don't like being poked with needles. All good wishes and love Jane.

Sandra said...

How did you break your toe? We had someone come and give us a price on putting the hardwood floors in. It will be a HUGE undertaking to get all of the furniture out of the house for a week while they sand the old floors, install the new and then stain and varnish them all.
We will have to find somewhere to stay for at least 3 days we figure.


beth bennett said...

I broke my toe when I was rushing out to turn the water off in my bare feet.
I just need to stay off it a bit but I want to keep my walking up.
No I did not show it to the doctor because I have ugly feet, in fact the world's ugliest.
I am thankful for shoes that hide this secret!
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear, a broken toe can be so very painful. I remember how much they can throb, especially at night when you are trying to sleep.Keep you foot elevated when probably know this already!

You have lots of things coming up soon, with Ken arriving, Larry's surgery and your 60th wedding anniversary. What a busy couple you and Larry are! I cannot believe how many babies are part of your family circle....and they are all adorable. Tavia's little guy is crawling early at 6 months, I bet he will walk early too.

I wish we had more family...our life is very quiet compared to yours. Our only Granddaughter worked two jobs all all spring and summer so we only got to see you a couple of times. She starts her second year of engineering in early October. She is studying environmental engineering. We have our two sons nearby and see them daily, which is a blessing we are very thankful for.

So, guess what? I met one of the members of our church at the store and since the minister retired, her partner, Merna who has played for the services also retired.

They have someone who plays, but not well...soooo I felt I should offer to play this Sunday. YES! I have been thinking about going back to church anyway....and have played for weddings and funerals and services for many years.
I miss the people and the close caring church community. I think I can deal with the differences I have with the church itself. It was a full circle type of thinking....and it had to complete the circle.

So today I get to choose the hymns and better practice! I have piano lessons this morning and an art class this afternoon so it will be busy. Also sold two paintings which I have to pick up from the restaurant at the hotel. AHHH it is good to be busy.

It is sad, when condos and apartments will not allow pets. So many older folks benefit from owning a pet....and they are denied owning one. They most often are very responsible pet owners too. I think it is against our human rights to not allow pets. The Manitoba Housing ( which looks after low rentals ) now allow a pet.....which is a great step forward and gives pets who would otherwise be euthanized a good home.

It is another gorgeous fall day skies, golden leaves and warm temperatures. I wish you a wonderful day today,

Love Nancy