Thursday, September 15, 2016


I expected that our study group would be returning to meet again at the church but no one was there when I drove over.  I decided I would visit Joyce at the Seniors Home.  I wheeled her out to sit in the sunshine and she was so very pleased.  Something so simple as feeling the warmth of the sun and a slight breeze made her day.  We had a cup of tea before going up in the elevator to her room.  A little prayer and she was napping before I was out the door.

Meanwhile dad had put the big ladder up against the house and did some painting up by our window that has been unpainted since we moved here.  Evidently he was up and down the ladder many times
which he knew I would not approve of.

One of my favorite Bible stories is the return of the prodigal son.

This son has dishonored his father by asking for his inheritance  to live a life of wild drinking and outrageous behavior.  The son returns to be greeted with great joy and a party is help for his return.

This is an amazing story to tell us of the unconditional love of our Father in Heaven who waits for those who return and  feel the welcome of being home again.

"Today I close the door again to the past,
open the door to the future.
Take a deep breath and return
to start a new chapter of my life!

Author unknown


Unknown said...

l am so pleased to hear about your visit to see JOYCE AND THAT SHE IS ABLE TO ENJOY YOUR COMPANY THE TOUCH OF THE SUN AND THE GENTLE BREEZE.(sorry about the capitals ) It is good to see the sun again this morning but the forecast is for change later today.We will be off to the airport again today to pick up my cousin David who will be visiting us for two weeks it will be good to see him. Have a good day. Love, Jane.

Sandra said...

It is so nice to be able to get outside still. Randy has started joining me on my evening walks with the dogs. It is good to have him along since where as in them morning there is usually no one else around but in the evening it is just crawling with people out walking. Makes it hard with Lucy who barks and pretty much any one now.


nancy-Lou said...

One never knows where the day will take us. Your church meeting ended up with a good visit with Joyce and for me, my drive to Pine Falls to pick up a few things ended up in the parking lot at the Quick Care Bus.
I went to see the nurse practitioner and upon coming out met my friend Margaret in the parking lot with a lady (Catherine) I hadn't met before who is a dwarf. It was so nice to meet her. While the lady went in the clinic I sat in Margaret's car and had a good visit for about an hour!Kind of crazy, because we live just a few doors away on the same street.

Catherine hadn't been out of her house since May. Margaret encouraged her to go to the clinic and picked her up in her low sitting car...a Mercedes sedan. Good for Margaret! AND good for Catherine.

I have thrush, yes the kind babies get too! It is from two rounds of antibiotics. The Quick care bus comes once a week to Grand Beach which is only a 15 minute drive.

That Larry..while the cat is away the mice will play! Glad he didn't fall....that must have been a high part on your house.

Nice to see Jane and her husband are having lots of company! You live in such a beautiful place to take them out to see.

Wishing you a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Wishing everyone a good day to-morrow.

Love Mom(Beth}