Friday, September 9, 2016


This is three year old big sister with one twin.

I held her for a while but nine pounds seemed heavy and I was nervous!

It was a fun visit but we did not see the two together because her helper was in the kitchen with the other twin.  She is an excellent help and Des does need it. 


Anonymous said...

We had a lovely drop of rain overnight. How is Dad going? I'm on late shifts this weekend. The kids are all well. We have a virus running around lots of people off work sick.
Ken 🏒

nancy-Lou said...

WOW...those are large babies....double chins and all! How old are they? She sure would need a helper with two babies. Cute as a bugs ear. The older girl is a pretty child isn't she and she looks very proud of her sisters.

You have been holding a lot of babies lately, Beth.

We are going to a funeral tomorrow for Carl's cousin, Wilfred. It will be held outdoors and the lunch is at "the ranch". It is owned by his daughter. A good chance to see that side of Carl's family, whom we don't see very often. Our son is taking us in his truck.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

The babies are two months old and were 5 and 6 pounds at birth.
Good news ken that your family is well.

Dad is having some pain but it is controllable with diet.

He rod his bike yesterday and today.

I phoned Leah to hear how things went at the doctor and she said fine,

Dad and I do worry. She is so little.

Love mom