Saturday, September 3, 2016


As I enjoy celebrating birthdays with Tasha and Sandra
I think of all the milestones that have brought us to this day.
It was fun to celebrate with our small group for a change.

Yes over the years our relationships change and we grow closer to those we love with all our hearts.
Life can be tough but we all our facing new milestones cheerfully.

We are very proud of both these young ladies still making plans for their futures.  Maybe a bathroom renovation of a town house that needs up- grading they are full of creative ideas!

Tasha starts a new bus route over to the North Shore driving over the Lion's Gate Bridge.

I should have taken a picture with dad as he was all dressed up and looking very smart.

Thankful we got home in time to get a phone call from Ken.  He is finding teen-agers can rob their parents of sleep which both he and Melina need.  Her operation will be on the 22 and the family will be able to take good care of her.  We are looking forward to Ken arriving here on Sept.19 at 5.

Happy Father's day Ken.!  !

There is no doubt that dad needs his operation and we are hoping it will help all his digestion problems.

I understand Rick will be arriving Sunday morning and we are still waiting for good news from Craig and Leah for their new arrival.

Milestones are achieved when we are able to see each other from new perspectives.
Leah has had her baby at 9. to-night.
We may go see her to-morrow.



Sandra said...

So, that makes 3 babies born on September 3rd now. If you go see Leah I will go with you.


Anonymous said...

Nice photo of Tasha and Sandra, and great news about Leah. Carol is picking up Morgan from Chuck's house today and Ben is going to Seattle for a soccer tournament.

nancy-Lou said...

CONGRATULATIONS to all the Bennett family on the arrival of a new little one. WOW, three birthdays on September 3! I will be looking forward to some pictures and hearing how the new Mom and Babe are doing. Do they have a name?

What is happening with Ben and the Whitecaps? Is he going to live in Vancouver so he can play with the junior team? Go to school there too? How is Morgan doing? Is she enrolled in some art classes?

That is a wonderful photo of Mom and can feel the love! Such pretty girls. So exciting for them to be planning renos together. Tasha's new bus route would be lots of fun, driving over the Lion's Gate bridge. Vancouver is such a pretty city.

The underbrush is starting to wear it's fall colours...beautiful oranges and golds. Some of the maple trees are changing colours too and this is early! Usually it is about the third week of September. Everything is early this year, so I think it will be an early arrival of snow too.

I hope we have our car problems sorted out by then so we can buy winter tires. Still no official word from Autopac. I have been reading consumer reports re: cars and looking on line too. Just need the go ahead from our insurer. Carl has a cystoscopy on Tuesday at a Winnipeg hospital. I am going ask our son to drive us...don't want to take my friends car.

We didn't have a vehicle after I took the rental back, but my dear friend Susan loaned us her second car and it is the cutest little thing....a Volkswagon sport bug...1997 vintage.
It comes with a little vase and bright yellow daisy. It is a manual transmission so I am glad of all the years I drove the work trucks...also had a manual Toyota car. It is blast to drive. It is wonderful to have such trusting and kind friends.

It is an overcast dull day and there is a warning for heavy rainfall.....a good day to paint. I have an idea of a group of children holding hands on a sand bar at the beach with their reflections in the water...each child will be a different colour representing all the races. It is burning in my mind..which means it has to escape, pronto or it will be gone!

I wish you a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

congratulations on the new arrival l am very jealous of you having so many great grandchildren .l It looks like your new flower is an easter lily and not morning glory very good news too l think it will still be some time before we have any.Made a mess of my typing again really must learn to cut and paste. We are doing some sight seeing today and then going to the wedding reception for our newly married friends . Love Jane.