Tuesday, September 27, 2016


We are continuing to have beautiful fall days.

Dad and ken went to the eye doctor and he will get the results from his test later at another appointment.  They stopped at Choices on the way home to buy me some goodies.  I am still enjoying the cheese bread Rick brought to the party. 

In the afternoon Kenny and I drove to Langley to do some shopping to take bac k for the children.
The toy stores are over whelming with all the different variety and choices.  I like to have a few games and crafts here for when children drop by.  I have a few baby things also.

One of the great mysteries in life is why we fall in love with the person we do.  Certainly there is a mutual attraction and happiness is spending times together.  Love matures as  we continue to grow as our own person and as we see goodness in each other.

Now in our later years when we fall it is without the grace and strength and balance that we once had so it can be a very nasty shock.  We need to except help to regain our balance.  We need to learn from the falls we have had and also see the humor in falling.

I think the message of the Bible is that as human beings we all fall, we fall short of what we have hoped to be.

The message is that God is the one who is always there to help us regain and renew our inner failures.  Grace is unmerited but available for all.


Sandra said...

The time has flown by so fast, it is hard to believe it is time for Kenny to leave already.

The reservations are confirmed for 5:00 tonight at Northview.

Mary is home sick from work today. She has pleurisy


Unknown said...

Oh my KeNNY'S VISIT IS COMING TO AN END SO QUICKLY IT SEEMS THAT IT WAS NO TIME SINCE HIS ARRIVAL BUT HE HAS HAD AN EVENtFUL VISIT . HAVE A GOOD FLIGHT BACK KEN. My cousin s also leaving but not until thursday.We have thoroughly enjoyed his time with us and will be going out for chinese food with some of the family this evening.Enjoy your evening at NOrthview a favourite place of ours . we remember many happy times spent with you in that delightful setting.Enjoy yourselves much love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

I wish Ken a good flight home....may it all go smoothly.I am sure you will be happy to be back home with your family. But know you will miss your Mom and Dad and the rest of the family too.

What and where is Northview, Beth? A restaurant?

Yes, fall is in full swing here. We had a windy and cool few days which felt like late in October...but it is lovely today and going to be nice for the next week. These days are the best ones of all year...the smell of autumn with all the leaves on the ground...the brilliant blue skies and cool nights and warm days...can't wish for anything better.

Have a lovely evening,

love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Sandra so sorry to hear about Mary

Pray she will get some rest and heal quickly.

Ken leaves on Friday at noon so we will have time with him to-morrow.

North View is a lovely restaurant at a Golf Course designed by Pakmer,

Yes another lovely fall day here,

Love Beth